Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pelea por lo que quieres

G´day there mates.
It´s been another week here in Spain.  Craziness. I am proud to be a new uncle.  I don´t know when he was born, but at least I know he´s here! Wahoo! It´s crazy. I was gone for the whole entire pregnancy.  Maybe I´ll swing in for the first birthday party though.  Probably not though.  Unless he was born after the 13th.  Alright, let´s have a fun time writing this bad boy.
Thursday was the 10th of November, so that was pretty cool.  We went out to eat at VIP´S.  It was delicious, and free, because a member had given us coupons a while back.  Legit!  We did not burn a shirt, cause I guess we´re just lame-o´s.  It´s ok though.  We also taught María a lesson about the importance of HOLA. Orar-praying, Leer-reading, and Asistir-getting your lazy butt to church.  These three things really are so crucial in helping set a foundation for our testimony.  If we only do two of these things, or worse, one (Let´s not talk about none) then we can still have a testimony of course, but it just doesn´t have the same strong foundation as if we get in gear and do all three.  It was a good lesson.  We´ve been teacher her in the home of a less active member, so they´re getting to help each other.  Double win. 
Victor dropped a bomb-shell on us on Friday.  He´s the Peruvian that I don´t think I´ve told you about.  He has been living with a Colombian girl (bahaha) that now wants to leave him and he is trying to help the relationship and all that good stuff.  He actually lives in Madrid, but only wants to meet with the missionaries while he is working, and works in SanSe so we have been teaching him out here.  Well Friday was like our 5th lesson with him and he was like, hey elders, I have something to confess: I´m already baptized.  So we were like oh yeah lots of people were baptized into the Catholic church. and he was like, no, in this church.  I was 15 in Peru.  He´s 28 now.  What a freaking scoundrel! Punk´d us for like 5 visits.  So we´ve changed our focus a little bit now that we know he already knows all the stuff hahahaha and we just thought he understood things really well.... haha.  But he later got kicked out of his house so we´re hoping he can go to church now that she isn´t holding him back from going.  We´ll see I suppose.
Things are continuing well with Sonia.  She went to church on Sunday and that´s fantastic.  She works a ton so we still meet with her  late.  But we have a visit with her tonight and we´re taking a different sister from our ward that is like her freaking twin.  She´s even from Paraguay too.  So that should be good.  MJ, the Californian girl, has been reading the scriptures more and is liking that. And I like teaching her in English cause she always says stuff like "ballin´" and "homie" and great slang like that.  It makes me feel at home.  Claribell is now officially getting baptized on the 6th of December, after lots of date changing and talking to her bosses at work and blah blah blah. It´s nice to have a fijo date.  We also taught a nice lady from the Dominican Republic.  There are lots of Dominicans over here, just like every other Spanish speaking country, and they have a great reputation of being...flojo.  But it´s all good, this one seemed great.  We will have another lesson with her tomorrow, so I guess we´ll see how it goes. 
Apart from that I don´t have a lot to say.  Just kidding! Sunday we had the primary program!  My first one in...two years!  It was great, and that Colombian family came to church! all 5 of them.  That was cool.  The bad part is that he 15 year old son literally broke out laughing while a 11 year old girl was crying while bearing her testimony.  Argghhh I was not very happy.  Luckily Sacrament meeting is like one of the easiest places in the world to control yourself if you´re upset so it was ok.  But still, come on man.  So we´re hoping the parents weren´t too embarrassed to go back again (they left as fast as they could after the meeting ended unfortunately).  Patience is one of those things I´m pretty sure I will be working on for basically ever, but I feel like it´s getting a bit better, so 3 cheers for 5 years! 
The book of Mormon is true.

Valle de los Caidos
That´s what I´ve got for the last week.  It´s been great.  Things to do, the office isn´t suffocating my happiness, and today we went to Valle de los Caídos!  It´s a giant cross on the mountain on the outskirts of Madrid.  They have buried a lot of those that died there in the Spanish Civil War.  Also, when Franco died they buried him there.  It´s like this giant basílica in the mountain underneath the cross.  Like a giant cathedral, but underground.  It was really cool.  Super catholic, but super cool.  I am sure you will all enjoy the pictures.  As always, glad to hear all is well back home.  Krista, name the baby Tanton! 

Elder Jeppson

Elder Jeppson
Elder Jeppson climbing the wall

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