Friday, April 13, 2012

Ponte capucha!

It's been a rainy week. I'm going to go to a chino (ghetto little stores run by Chinese people full of cheap china crap) and buy an all black umbrella and paint the hand red because I feel like the Mayday Parade man.  Shirt and tie, always an umbrella.  That's what's up!
Last Thursday was a sad night. We had to say goodbye to Nikolás.  He's a little 11 year old that got baptized last...August-ish.  He is legit. He will be like some powerhouse missionary in the future.  I was sad to say goodbye.  Back to Brazil with him.  A lot of our branch will be going back to their countries within the next bit of time.  Next 6 months-ish.  It'll be hard for the branch here.  But that's life I guess.  That's why we just need to baptize other families to replace them and keep the work rolling. 
On Saturday President Watkins came all the way up to our dark corner of the mission to give a presentation in the JAS (YSA) activity that we had here in Asturias.  It was for all the Young Single Adults in the Galicia district and León district.  Remember when I served in Vigo? Well I did once.  And I got to see Tairí again! I probably never talked about her. But she is a member that speaks English so I would always escape from Elder Quevedo and Spanish by talking to her if she was in the chapel hahaha. She couldn't even remember me until she saw me.  But it was still cool to see her. Also, two mini missionaries that served in Madrid and were in my District while I was in the office were there. It was cool to see them again.
Pedro also went.  It was an amazing experience for him.  Really fortified him right after his baptism. It was legit!  He has been progressing so much. It really has been awesome to see him go from not knowing anything about the church really to getting baptized and now preparing for the priesthood.  There is truly nothing better than seeing people progress in the gospel.  It is amazing how much you can SEE the difference if people are really reading and praying.  They can't lie to us about it.  We can see the difference if they do it or not.  So Pedro is like our best little gangster friend these days.  We're gonna start taking him on visits.
The family of Luis and Zoraida all passed their interviews.  So they're all set to go for baptism.  Yahoo! We are planning the program with them tonight and then on Sunday, after the church services they will get baptized. All 5 of them.  We're Super stoked.  They are another case of seeing amazing progress.  I feel like Gijón was just too prepared.  I have been extremely blessed by coming here. I guess when I found Alma 53:12 in the temple the Lord really was telling me not to worry about coming here.  I love this place!
Other than that we have found some new people this past week through the members.  Élida is talking about baptism too already! Buah.  I don't have enough time to talk about all of that. Hopefully I will in the future.  But just know that's pretty awesome too.
Other than the work all is well. I still have a bombshell of moco in my face, but it's cool. I can handle that.  As long as I can work, I can be happy.  Got some letters and stuff this past week, so I guess I'm not completely forgotten.  Hit 17 months yesterday.  That was like a punch in the gut.  7 months is not enough time. But it'll have to be.  Maybe I'll ask for an extra transfer at the end.  We'll see. 
I love you all. You rock.  Like a pirate ship on a rough sea. A pirate's life for me! I won't go quietly...
Elder Tanton Jeppson

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