Familia, mis seres queridos, desconocidos, y cualquier otra alma que vea este mensaje,
I had a great week. Me fue genial. Thank you first of all for all the happy birthday wishes. Super cool of ya´ll´s. I have a lot to say I feel like, so I´mma be I´mma be. I mean I´mma start. I wish I could personally hug and thank you all for the gifts and thoughts, but there´s too many and I would be afraid of forgetting one, so a joint thank you to all: THANK YOU.
Nani's Baptism |
So I don´t remember a single thing from Thursday. Friday was Nani´s baptism. It was super good! Oh she was so excited. We did it in Bishop´s pool. She asked me to do it so I got to go swimming! But not really. It´s not heated either, so it was really quite cold. But as the ordinance was performed there was an inner warmth that can´t be explained, so I guess the spirit is more amazing than cold water. She was also confirmed at the baptismal service since General Conference was last Sunday and Stake Conference is this sunday. Instead of having her wait 3 weeks, we did it there. Elder Ovard, a senior missionary that serves in the Office with us, confirmed her and it was fantastic. I testify that the Spirit guided him on that, because all the doubts/things she needed to hear were addressed. About not letting struggles with members challenge our testimony and stuff like that. WAY too many people in Spain have just been offended by some member and then decide they should stop going. Doesn´t seem like the most sure way of solving a problem to me, but I definitely haven´t become a Spaniard in my thoughts still (in fact, one member calls me Elder Americano, cause I´m more American than the other American missionaries. Compliment?) It was really spirit filled. After that, the Watkins invited us out to dinner! Oh snap. That is so not President Watkins style. Super cool of them. We went to Wok. A chinese buffet. Appropriate Spanish food, right?
Tanton's Birthday :) |
Oh, they also sang to me at the baptism after all so don´t worry mom, I got a south-american/spaniard rendition, which is even worse than Brad...
Ummm...General Conference? What? Legit! What else would we expect from the Prophet and Apostles though. I would love to hear what everybody learned, what they loved, what made them laugh, and anything else. I´m gonna go ahead and say it was a fantastic Priesthood Session to be a missionary in. They brought out the hacha on that one. We. Need. More. Missionaries. Join the team. God has a specific mission prepared just for us. Stuff like that. Elder Holland even got up in our faces and singed our eyebrows with fire, the way a good coach does when the game´s on the line and you´ve gotta win. It´s nice to know that there really is so much revelation in callings and assignments. The Lord has his hand in our lives, no doubt. It´s up to us if we want to recognize it or not. And the 2nd Provo temple? Oh I looovveee that idea. I was in the MTC when the tabernacle burned down. Star Valley temple? I´m sure the Robinson´s are so excited they don´t know what to do. Brigham City almost built, Star Valley on the way. Oh snap! Times are good. The temple is a refuge in the world from the world.
Apart from those 3 heavy hitting days my week was pretty normal/blargh. There have been some emergency transfers going on so I´ve been in the office helping President come up with travel plans and buy tickets and all that stuff. Also, Elder Woodbury is sick, and I´m getting sick, so perfect time for the Day and Ny-Quil. Elder Robbins, we´re still bestest enough friends that across the ocean we get sick together. Ahhhhh soooo cute!
I love you all. I love hearing from you all. I fell asleep during letter writing time today, so sorry if you don´t get letters this week. The sleep was worth it. I´ve been pretty bleh today and yesterday. Enjoy the pictures. I enjoy your faces.
Elder Jeppson
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