Friday, September 30, 2011

Morning seems so far away...

Then you dropped a note and we changed key...

Well, here we are. The last one from September. This month is always the fastest month of my life.  I love it.  Everything seems to calm down, Cache Valley turns into the most amazing bullet bike ride in the world, Green Day wakes up finally at the end.  It´s just a great month! 

This past week has been a good week.  They all seem to be good though.  Not easy always, but always good. Last P-day was Adel´s (who got baptized earlier this month) birthday, so we bought some ice cream and took it to him.  He enjoyed it a lot I think.  He was totally surprised.  I had it written down from his baptismal cédula so we couldn´t be fooled! So that went well.  On a worse note, Sonia got in a car crash (or so we think. Her Spanish in her text messages is terrible, and she hasn´t answered our calls for alittle bit.) So we haven´t been able to meet with her.  But she finally texted us back last night so we´ll see if we can do anything this week that comes.  We plan on taking her some brownies this afternoon.  Hopefully she´ll be home.

We also had a lesson with Neli this past week.  She is also a recent convert that I actually taught like 5 months ago.  Remember my little fingerprint getaway to Madrid from the Canary Islands? Well, in that 3 day stint I stayed with the Secretaries and we taught Neli her first lesson together.  She eventually got baptised, so it was kinda cool to return to the same little room where we kneeled for 3 minutes waiting for her to pray last time hahahaha....

Saturday went really fast cause we did intercambios with Elder Veintimilla, our district leader.  I was with him and Elder Woodbury went and worked with Elder Hilton in Barrio 4.  Barrio 4 lives with Barrio 2, where I started out, so it was kind of cool to go back to the piso that I started the mission in.  I got all nostalgic for a bit.  Are you all proud I remembered a word like nostalgic?  But it went well.  We didn´t have a ton planned, so we did a lot of contacting.  But that´s good, because Elder Woodbury and I have been so busy with all the other stuff we have to do that we haven´t really had the opportunity to search for new people, which is really important when you want to teach new people.  Make sense? I thought so.  I did set up some appointments with some members in the ward that I don´t really know still.  It´s so important to get to know the ward.  As Greg put it so perfectly: "The members: can´t live with them, can´t live without them."  So true.  Just don´t spread false doctrine to scare the investigadores (and don´t call them investigadores to their face as they continually ask what that is) and all will be well.  So it was a good weekend.  Went fast.

Church on Sunday was great. I honestly could have paid a little better attention to the talks in Sacrament Meeting, but it was just a great day of feeling the spirit and still trying to meet people.  Some American California girl came to church.  She´s in a band in Salt Lake called Bearclaw.  If some music guru wants to look it up on like myspace or something... She is here for like 9 months to learn Spanish.  It´s always great to have Americans in the ward.  But she says that like half her family is active and the other half isn´t, so we´re gonna try and get her on the active side.  Cool, eh?

Other than that not a lot has been going on on this side of the Atlantic (well, I don´t get the news actually, but as far as Alcobendas missionary work....).  It´s been good lately though.  Nani is super stoked for her baptism this Friday.  It´s been really cool to see her progress and change.  She´s super stoked for General Conference (which I am too. But we´ll get to that) too. 

Thank you for all the letters/packages/emails and stuff this past week.  I really appreciate all the happiness wishes and gifts and such.  I´m sorry Spain costs a batrillion dollars to send stuff to.  Do something nice for someone on Friday for me, is it super lame if I copy what the Prophet asked for?

Speaking of the Prophet...let´s listen to his voice this weekend!  My goodness I´m so stoked for Conference! With the baptism and conference, it´s gonna be a great weekend.  We truly are so blessed to be a part of the "Única iglesia viviente sobre la faz de la tierra."  The living church.  It´s still directed by Jesus Christ.  And this weekend we have the blessing of being able to learn from the leaders and more importantly, from the spirit.  My missionary challenge this week is two part.  Part 1-Invite somebody that doesn´t plan on watching it (whether member or not) to watch it with you and part 2-To have a question in mind beforehand that you want answered this conference. I know that if we start both of these parts with a supplication to the Lord, that he will bless us with answers, but we have to pay attention very closely to receive them!  Good luck. Let me know how it goes.  Especially Sammy.

I love you all.  Another week.  You´re in my prayers. 

-Elder Jeppson

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