Well, no nos andemos por las ramas, it´s wicked weird.
It´s been a pretty good week. Lots to tell. Lots can happen if you find time to hit the streets of Spain. We see some weeeirrdd stuff sometimes. Europe isn´t as...clean as the states are. hahah but I don´t really have any stories that have anything to do with that, so I don´t have any idea why I brought it up or why I don´t delete it. Oh well...
Claribel is doing well. She pretty much already knows everything but we are still re-going over everything to make sure she´s ready for her baptism. It´s either gonna be on the 3rd, or the 8th. She works interna, which means she´s always living with some family taking care of their kids. If she can get all of Saturday the 3rd off, it´ll be then. If she can´t it´ll be the 6th or the8th because they´re both holidays, so she doesn´t have work. Basically, Spain has holidays like every 5 days, so it´s not really a problem luckily. But she is good. She feels ready and that´s the important part.
Gustavo is legit. Colombiano. I don´t know if you all remember, but like everybody in Lanzarote was from Columbia. Well come to find out Gustavo was freaking in Lanzarote! I guess I couldn´t find him there so he chased me down to Alcobendas. He´s a good guy, but we´re a little worried about if he wants to get baptized to get baptized and repent, or if he wants to have the church as a welfare system supporting him.... So I guess that will be something that time will tell.
Sonia is back on the map haha. She works a ton, so we can only meet with her at 9:30 at night, but we talked to President and got his permission and now when we can we meet with her. She works the first Sunday of every month, so she can´t really experience the testimony meeting thing, but we´re hoping to see her in the church the rest of the Sundays. I guess we´ll have to see. She´s definitely got potential though, she even read from Alma 5 when we left her it! Miracles happen once in a while....
Nani continues to be pretty good. Sometimes we wonder about if she understands everything suuupeer well, but she´s been trying to visit the people that need visits, like less actives and old people that are lonely in the ward, in their homes and stuff so that´s really cool to see. It´s such a blessing to be able to watch people progress. We actually bought here a little himnario this last week so she can start memorizing hymns to sing to herself haha. Early birthday present....
Saturday we went with Efraín to the temple. It was the first temple tour I have ever given. It was good, but I didn´t like it. It´s mean to be able to go there and not go inside! Haha it really was great though. He told us he wants to be able to go inside someday. He´s still got the whole being married to somebody in Ecuador and wanting to marry somebody here problem though. But other than that little snag he´s doing well. Reading the Book of Mormon, going to church, and Seguiring adelante.
Sunday is still a great day. Just like before the mission. Gustavo, Claribel, and Efraín all went to church. It was a good day in the capilla. Fast Sunday. There are unmistakable blessings for fasting. After church, the Vierbuchen´s invited us over to eat with them. Aleluyah! That´s our German Bishop´s family by the way. It is Bishop, his wife, Tim, Teresa, and Tomo. They´re all fantastic. They all speak German and English, and Bishop speaks Spanish. The rest...más o menos. But they are fantastic people. I love them. It was fun to eat with them, but we lost track of time and had to leave in a flash without sharing a spiritual message or anything. Ugh. But still a successful visit. She cooks like a boss.
Elder Tanton Jeppson :) |
That´s basically what I have been up to the past week. Does it seem like good times, cause it sure as heck is. I can´t believe how much the time flies. I will not be burning a shirt this week. I ripped one last Thursday though on accident, so I think that should basically count. But there´s just not tons of shirt-burning safe areas around here unfortunately. Whatevs. It´s been a fast year, and I hear the second one goes faster. Which doesn´t make any sense logically, but I trust it to be true. It´s crazy to me the differences that can happen in one fast year. Thanks for all the support and prayers in part number 1. This church is true. The gospel isn´t complicated unless we make it complicated. We´re extremely blessed to have this blessing in our life. The restored gospel. I love you all. You´re all wicked legit.
Elder Jeppson
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Elder Woodbury |
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Spain Flag |
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