Well wasn't that just a great little week filled with Christmas? I even learned that there's a real apostrophe button on this keyboard instead of just using the accent button. I don´t even think that makes one little bit of a difference for anyone, but good news anyway!
This past week was a good one. We just keep on trucking along here in a trio. It´s different. I agree with the Lord's way of doing it more though. The new thing from this past week is Shirlley. She is an 8 year old girl in the ward whose parents aren't members, but her grandparents and aunts and uncles are. Her uncle is actually on a mission in Uruguay right now, so I'm sure he's right sick of eating meat. But anyway, she is all super excited to get baptised! As her parents are not members, we have to teach her everything and she has to get interviewed in the normal investigator way. It's been really fun teaching her. She is like this way smart little dignified girl and she reads way well (or way "good")! It's fun to teach someone that is so cute and innocent.
Efraín is holding his own too. It's been hard for him to get to church for the last couple of weeks because of jobs and family parties, but I hope that changes as things die down after Reyes, which is January 6 and basically as big as Christmas here in España. Between like the 15th of December and January 6th it's just giant fiesta time for them. Which is cool, I suppose. But Efraín keeps reading a lot and is already in like, Alma 35 or farther. That´s like a miracle.
Christmas Eve at the Mission Home |
On Christmas Eve, we had a pretty normal day, and then towards the later part we went over to the Porta's house and they gave us food and we had a great time and then we went to the Mission home to sleep there. It was just us three, the AP's, and the President and his grand wife. We sang some Christmas songs and then we hit the hay (after opening my glorious pajamas of course). Woke up and had a great Christmas morning! Opened the presents we had brought to the house and then Hermana Watkins made us french toast! Boom, baby! We all know how Elder Jeppson loves his french toast. After, we went to church, which was only an hour, just like the rest of the world. We sang. Yeah, that´s right. Bishop, us 3 elders, and Elder Ovard, the other office elder, all sang Silent Night, or "Noche de Luz". I feel like it went well, but anything sounds well here because South Americans haven't caught onto the singing thing like the Utah I was accustomed to.
After church we went around dropping off some gifts for a "Secret Santa" in our ward. It was fun to see the joy in their faces as they got their gifts from the unknown giver. "Anonymous" can sometimes bring with it much joy. We then took our Mediodía break and opened our presents and waited until the time to go back to the office and do Skype with the family. Yeah! Thanks to everybody who was there. I almost got to see everybody and I even got some good surprises :). It was a good time. Everybody looks good. We have a good looking family I suppose.
Since then we've just gotten right back in the swing of things. We have a blasted activity at 7:30 in the morning this Saturday that the Relief Society president has been wanting us to invite the whole world to. So we're meeting with lots of less actives and ward members this week so that Elder Woodbury can say goodbye (we're pretty sure he's going to the north on Monday or Tuesday) and so we can invite everybody to this activity. 7:30 in the morning.... It'll be good.
Segovia |
Well, that's about all I have time for. Big thanks to everybody for everything. Today we went to Segovia for P-day. Kind of a long drive, but worth it. I'll add some pictures and you can google the rest. Learn about the aqueduct and castle. They're real cool. Super Spanish. Other than that, this is a wrap. It was nice to see you all and have a great time together. Thanks for all the love and support I feel from back in home base. You're all the greatest. The Lord lives. He wants us to come unto him and we do that by reading the Book of Mormon and sharing the Gospel with everybody that might be ready.
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Elders Woodbury, Forrest and Jeppson |
Elder Jeppson
P.S. Elder Ovard says hi.