Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ohhhhh the cow in the meadow goes moo...the cow in the meadow goes moo....

Aquí estamos.  ¿Cómo estáis familia?

It has been quite a week.  The truth is it has been more of a boring week over here.  It´s ok though, cause I really don´t have a lot of time to write about it.  So that is good...I guess?

Claribel's baptism
The investigators. The reason I´m here.  Things have been going through the cycle. Some are falling away. Some are too busy.  Some are actually reading.  And one got baptized!  I´ll start with the baptism I suppose.  Claribel.  Yesterday.  It´s cold these days, so bishops pool wasn´t gonna work, and we don´t have a font in our church here, so we went to the temple.  The zone leaders are working there.  We called them Monday night to make sure the font would get filled and all.  They said they would do it.  They didn´t. Sooooo like 40 people of our ward showed up (which is only like 20 less than on Sundays) and there was an empty font! It takes 3 hours to fill it up to where they like to fill it up to.  After lots of running around and lots of "oh crap!"s we filled the font up for like 25 minutes and just did the program/sang hymns until there was like....buah, 20 inches of water in the font.  Maybe 25.  And she got baptized.  Her cousin, Melvin, did it. I´m pretty sure it´s like a record for least amount of water ever.  Not really, but it was close.  But it worked out fine.  So yeah! Thought you would all like that.  When the bishop asked her if she wanted to postpone it to a different day she was like "No! I´m getting baptized today!"  It was legit.  

The Mexican family has been lame lately.  Just busy and the dad doesn´t want anything to do with it and so that makes the rest of the family more hesitant and such.  It is pretty much their challenge I´m pretty sure.  We´ll see if they can overcome it.  If nothing else, they´ve made me miss my best friend.

We had a lesson with a Colombian (heaven forbid it be a Spaniard) this last week out in Tres Cantos.  She lives in a house! Say what? Crazy!  But she was way chill.  She seems interested and had really good questions.  She is married to a Spaniard that she met while going to school in Canada.  Her name is Gisel and We´re pretty dang excited.  But now we get to see if she is willing to sacrifice a little and read the scriptures, go to church, etc.  

Efraín is the same as always.  Waiting to get divorced so he can get married so he can get baptized.  That sentence is more fun in Spanish cause they´re all reflexive verbs.  

That´s basically what we have for right now that should be talked about.  Other than that we have been busy with office stuff.  Elder Pérez got his US visa and got shipped off to the Grand States.  He is currently in the Provo MTC for 3 weeks, so feel free to write a DearElder to Efraín Pérez going to Tempe Arizona.  He´ll love it, but you have to do it in English.  None of this Google Translate crap.  We found out transfers last Friday(which is like a miracle cause we have more than 2 days to plan them, not that we have done any planning, leaving us with...2 days to plan them) and basically the only groundbreaking news is that Elder Woodbury is going to be training a newb in the office.  Which means I´m gonna have a new companion.  We´ll be in a trio for 3 weeks.  His name is Elder Forrest and he is from Arizona.  It´s gonna be his 4th transfer in the mission.  Which is pretty dang young.  It will be fun.  It´ll be hard for him, calling all the piso dueños and stuff in Spanish, but challenging times bring out the best in us, right?  I´m excited.  It´ll be good times.  Plus, it means I´m that much closer to spreading my Spanish adventures into even more parts.  I don´t really want to leave yet though, so whatever.  
Picture of the district

That´s basically all I have.  I will be able to Skype again on Christmas day.  Let me know what time will be best for all.  Just make sure not to pick 2:30 AM Zion(Utah) time cause that´s when I have to go to church.  I would appreciate that.  Thanks!  

Welp, I´m grateful for you all. You´re great.  I´m blessed. The Lord loves us.  If we put our trust in him then everything will go well.  He loves to hear from us and he loves when we listen to his words.  Which I can relate with, cause I love hearing from you all as well!  Ohhhh the cow in the meadow goes moo...

Elder Jeppson

The pictures: Our district.  It´s gonna be changing (not that they know) so we took pictures.  And, the baptism.  Good stuff.

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