G´day mates.
Yesterday was December 13th...What a great day. Let´s all be a little more fearless.
Well, It´s been a week very ajetreada. My mind was so full of things to do and blah blah blah that I thought I was gonna have a brain grenade go off. But we survived. So it´s all good. Kind of a slow week as far as the work goes unfortunately. There´s only so much time in every day! We have been in the office quite a bit with Elder Woodbury getting ready for Elder Forrest and both of us planning transfers and such. We were still able to get some lessons in with Edwin and Nora though. They´re pretty Peruvian. We´ll see what happens with them. She is the one that works right when church is every week. That makes things harder. But we´re gonna try and get him to church this week. Efraín continues as well. And we just continue waiting for his divorce papers. But he still needs some work on the testimony portion too.
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Dinner at the mission home :) |
On Sunday the Vierbuchen´s had us over as well as Adel and Claribel (they invited Nani too, but she was really sick this weekend). It was really cool to be able to eat with the recent converts and the Vierbuchens. They´re great. It was cool. We ate some German food that was super delicious. Potato dumplings or something. I dunno. Then that night we got to eat at the mission home with the assistants. Hermana Watkins made ribs and they were delicious. Score one for being in the office! Then Monday came and that is transfer day and it was crazy. Driving people around and picking them up and then we had to go to the office to call all the zone leaders and all that good stuff. I´m sorry if that´s all boring to you, but it´s just what I do these days. The cool thing on Monday was that Elder Mills flight got delayed an hour, but we still got him to his train on time. They were the very last ones. Like we literally threw their bags on the train and the guy was like "viajas también?" and I was like "Cachorro, que no" and he was like "peace out then suckuh!" Just kidding. But seriously, right as we threw the their stuff on they shut the doors in my face and the train took off. The Lord takes care of his missionaries.
Christmas is coming. I can´t believe it is literally and metaphorically within 2 weeks already. I get to see all of our beautiful families beautiful faces again! thank HEAVENS I´m not in Monterrey East mission. or west. Or somewhere that gets pwn3d. Hahaha I love you Austin! But seriously. Let me know when is best for ya´lls and I´ll see when I can do it. It´ll be good times, for sure.
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Elders Woodbury, Jeppson & Forrest |
To answer some questions: We are currently in a trio. Elder Forrest is part of Elde Jeppbury now. so we´re like Forrjeppbury I guess. I dunno how it´d work, but we´ll be like this for 3 weeks, then Elder Woodbury will get whipped off to some distant(or close) part of Spain as a regular missionary again. We don´t know where or with who. So he´s in his 3 weeks of Limbo. Limbo limbo limbo! But don´t worry, it´s not like Inception. It´s all very real and not on different levels of dreams. So that´s basically where we stand these days.
Thank you all for being grand ejemplos para mí. I love you all and I wouldn´t be who I am or where I am without all of your help. I´m grateful for an older brother that loved me enough to give me the chance to repent and become better little by little. Don´t forget to help others know the He has restored his church and it´s true. Thanks for all your support and letters and prayers and stuff. I try to return the love, but there´s just too much!
Sin temor y con amor,
Elder Jeppson
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