¿Que tal chavales? Echemos otra camarón a la barbie!
I will look back at these emails someday and just think I was an idiot. But whatever!
it´s been another one of those weeks....Ya know, where elder Woodbury is training Elder Forrest so we´re in the office a lot. It should be relaxing time I guess, but I just get bored. It´s like before the mission when I was bored so I would like get on facebook or something, except now I am not supposed to get on facebook so I just surf the heck out of lds.org hahaha. I´mma gonna have to like major in reading apostles talks or something. It´s fine though. I really like having some extra time to study Spanish and the scriptures and talks and stuff.
Before I forget, Merry Christmas! I´mma be skyping. Dad, I will skype you at 8 in the morning your time since you have to be the big bad Santa boss and work Christmas morning. Mom, I´ll skype your family at 12:15 your time. It should be some quality skyping time, right? Dang straight it´s gonna be! I don´t really care who is there, I just want to see all my loved ones, so pass the word around and we´ll see what magic goes down, eh? Also, I got the package you sent me. Thanks a bunch to you all! The CD´s are great, I wore the tie yesterday, and I´m stoked to open the rest on Christmas morning. You´re all fantastic! It´s been surreal, this whole December. I doesn´t even feel like Christmas is in....4 days. Jolín! The Christmas music is nice though. Makes us want to have a Christmas dance party at night, which we don´t do, but it´d be fun. Mom, President and Sister Watkins loved your Christmas card to them and they say thanks. Well, President says "gracias por la tarjeta navideña!"
Highlights from this past week: On Thursday, we picked up 2 elders that had to come down from the north to pick up their residency cards, on our way to the mission home, we were in a hurry and I ran through a crosswalk with people starting to enter it (I started to stop, but it was futile). A cop saw and pulled me over. Crap! But he was just like menos mal que no les atropellaste. Ten mas cuidado en el futuro. And drove off (he was on a bike). Lucky Elder Jeppson.
Sunday we gave talks. I like giving talks on the mission. Call me crazy. They asked us to talk on Missionary work (crazy, eh?) but I didn´t really want to. So I talked about the "gifts" that God has given us in 1)Jesus Christ and his Atonement, 2) The Book of Mormon and 3) Our testimony/the Gift of the Holy Ghost and then added a second half that was like the best thing to do during gift season is share gifts, so share these gifts with your friends and such. I feel like it went well. If not, I just blame it on my gringo Spanish, ha!
Today, for P-day, we had a zone party in the mission home. It was fun. They did a hot-dog eating contest, then we did a white elephant. I got a little action figure of Ronaldinho from Barça. There was a freaking pirate ship I could have traded for but I TOTALLY forgot about it when my turn rolled around! Ugh. How lame is that. I have always wanted to be a pirate...
I also went to the temple today and it was amazing. I know I always say that but it was again today. I love the spirit that can be felt there. Then, as I left the temple, I saw my old mini-missionary companion from the Canary Islands! ¿Que en el mundo? I absolutely loved seeing him. It was sweet.
I´m tearing it up with my paragraphs, eh? Greg has instilled in me a habit I think. As for investigators our area is kind of suffering these days. It´s a mix of us being in the office so much and the entire world being so busy for Christmas stuff. Spain apparently eats a lot during Christmas time. So everybody gets crazy busy with their jobs in December and never has time to meet with us. I guess that makes it a good time to be in the office so much though. I dunno. I think there´s still a lot of good stuff coming up though, January is full of hope for me. Not that the next 10 days aren´t. In fact, President is going to be putting in another companionship here in Alcobendas towards the end of January, so we have even started piso hunting. Such is life.
Merry Christmas to you all! Don´t forget about the reason behind it all. The Lord loves us and has descended below it all so that we can rely on him to raise us above it all. I love you all. He loves us all. He lives and wants us to remember him always. Let´s find a way to serve somebody and be His hands here on the earth during this time of year so beautiful.
Elder Jeppson
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