Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Midnight's Summer Dream


I remember when 30 minutes in the MTC was like no time to write and I had nothing to say but I still used every minute.  Today I have 25 and lots to say and I just don't really care to haha.  We'll see what we get out of this I suppose. 
Hello familia.
All is well in Zion.  Or so it seems from the emails I've gotten.  Glad to hear that babies are growing well and snow is unheard of.  North Carolina is getting closer to being Ohio and still being North of the South.  Australia is still by New Zealand and I have no idea what I'm talking about. 
It's been a good past week.  Efraín has shown quite a bit of progress still. I really wish his documentation would come in.  It'd be nice to be in a ghetto country where we could just be like hey city hall, they're divorced now.  and get 'er done.  but we're not.  We're in a country with a very slow government system.  So we keep waiting.  He is currently in 3 Nephi 5 in his reading and is loving it.  that's page 505 in Spanish for those of you keeping track.  That's crazy good. 
All the recent converts are doing well here.  That's a relief.  They're like kids, you'll always have a little bit of worry there (at least that's what the rents me dicen).  The ward is great.  I'll miss them someday.  We met with some menos activos that shouldn't be menos activo.  Which only means they know the church is true and have testimonies and stuff but are currently in offended mode.  Ohhhhhh Spain.  You're robbing my heart. 
On Sunday we had Stake conference. But like in a "on steroids" way.  It was the whole Iberian Peninsula, so all of my BAGA was tuning into President Uchtdorf.  I thought that was cool.  Elder Hansen and Elder Thomas.  We got this peninsula covered.  They talked a lot to the youth about serving missions.  It's always nice to be on a  mission during those talks.  Makes me feel like I am where I should be.  They also talked about other things that involve building the Kingdom of God in the Kingdom of Spain (and Portugal). 
Monday we were in the office like all day long.  Until like 8 at night.  That's a long day in the office.  But we survived.  It's cram week.  I'm trying to get Elder Bauer's brain filled with mush so I can leave next week and be a normal boy.  President pulled me into his office yesterday and talked to me about what the options are.  Long story short, I'm gonna work in Alcobendas with a member during the mornings and then work with the other companionship during the afternoons.  the member is the Stake Presidents son, Spanish, and just got home from serving his mission in Chile.  So I'm pretty stoked on this plan.  Even though it's gonna be like a waiting 3 weeks type deal, it'll be good to get out and contact and then have Mediodía again.  Plus I might get to be here if Efraín can get baptized within the next 4 weeks.  Let's go Spain government!
We also went and saw a new baby.  Candy had a baby.  That's Freencky and Leyddy and Farrah's sister. I know you don't know who they are, but it's a little baby.  6 lbs 4 oz or something.  I don't know if that's small, but I think I usually hear 7 pounds.  Either way, I never want to give birth, so I made a promise to myself to never do it.  I hope I fulfill on that one.  But I do want kids.  so that's good.  Her name is Aaliyah.
Real Madrid Stadium
We went to the Real Madrid stadium today and did  the tour.  It was cool.  I mean I wish I could watch Real games and like read the magazines so I could follow what in the world is going on and who is who and all, but I can't.  So I just was like...awesome.  And all the missionaries from Spain were like...Ohhh no way tal y fulano his hano played here and this is his jersey and blah de blah blah.  But it was fun. And I took pictures.  So everybody can just go crazy with excitement on that one.  in 6 days it's the day of love.  and friendship.  Do you remember from last year? It's called the Day of love and friendship here hahahaha.  so don't forget to be in love with somebody.  If not, at least be friends. 
I love this work.  It's good stuff.  Good stuff comes from God.  Moroni 7.   Does it put you on the good path, or the bad path?  Well take the good and leave the bad.  Speaking of Moroni, he put some gold plates in the ground and then Joseph Smith translated them and Moroni came back for them.  But check out these Real Madrid gold plates.  Cool, eh?
Elder T. Sil Jeppson

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