It's been a pretty great week. I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll just take it as it comes to my mind. Last Thursday I did an exchange with a new elder from Wyoming. His name is Elder Miner and he's way legit. I focused a lot on how he can learn the language well and focus on missionary work at the same time. I love Spanish! So I tried to instill this love in him as well so when he talks he doesn't sound like a little gringo cracker bot. I mean, I'm not saying I don't sound like a gringo, but come on missionaries, if you don't study the grammar you sound silly!
Then we had the baptism. It went really well. I even played the piano for the service. Ohhhh snap! I've never played piano for anything like that, so I was basically...well super nervous to say the least. But it went really well. Venid a mi and Deja que el Espíritu enseñe. Brandy would just be so proud that I thought I would mention that. Take that piano! Immediately after the baptism the conference general started. We have a legit capilla here so we were even able to get it in English in a room all by ourselves hahaha. I kind of wanted to be with the members and whatnot, but my compie comp wanted English and I wasn't gonna complain about English hahaha. So yup. That's what that one picture is.
I loved the conference! Especially President Packers talk and Elder Hollands talk. Maybe just cause they're my two favorites anyways. But also President Monson gave two stellar talks. That's where my subject comes from. In priesthood he gave us all a call to duty. I noticed 3 things in the conference as themes. Well, 4. 1-We need to help less actives come back to the church! They need our support! 2-We need the family to stay strong 3-We're all going through hard times. Such is life. Get over it with the help of the Lord! and 4-The priesthood should be active. If it's not active, it's not the priesthood. Well, it still is, but you get the point.
Luis and Zoraida and their family are doing fantastic. They always get so happy and big smiles when they see us and we get big smiles and happy when we see them. We're finishing up with all the lessons today and then they should have their interviews this Saturday so they can get baptized next Saturday. It'll be the last day of the transfer, so I guess we'll see how it goes. Hopefully everything will go well. Pray for them! There gonna be a super strong family in Zion someday. Ya'll's gonna loves to meets them sumdays.
That's about all I have time for today. It's basically just been a week full of the Spirit and I have loved it. Even my lack of DayQuil and excess of pressure in my head hasn't been able to pull me down from this spiritual high. Ohhhh the mission. Funny how it just becomes what life is for these two years...
Love you all!
Elder Tanton Jeppson
P.S. You come here thinking we'z da dumbs, but you's da dumbz!! Yahehehe
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