Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sobreviviendo la matanza

Elder Ashworth & Elder Jeppson
Alright mates!

Do I sound a little English? My new companion is from England.  So if I use
words like rucksack and rubbish bin, well I'm just going back to the roots,

It's been a crazy week.  Just crazy.  I'll start with the sadder news.
Right after leaving the locutorio last week (that's where I write my
emails home to you) we got a call from Zoila telling us that she didn't
want to get baptized after all on the 7th.  Crushing.  We told her to think
about it for 24 hours and to call us on Thursday with her final decision.
She did. Same final decision.  So that was pretty sad.  She didn't come to
church on Sunday either and the two times we met with her sister she wasn't
there.  The good news came on Sunday night when she called us to apologize.
I asked her if we could meet this Saturday (we can only meet on Saturdays
and Sundays) and talk about what had happened and whatnot and she said yes.
So this Saturday we are going to talk to her to figure out what happened
and see if we can help her overcome her doubts.  I think she found
something on the Internet. Not really sure though. So that's a bitter sweet
story. At least she called us and is willing to meet again though.  Still
pretty sad for a last weekend letdown for Elder Rigby. I felt bad for him
for that.  High hopes to go out baptizing and then doesn't happen.  It's
alright though. She'll get baptized.

Katty is doing really well still. She is taking notes and reading lots and
really has caught the spirit.  She still has her date for the 28th of July.
She is understanding everything really well and really progressing. It's
great to be able to see it.  The blessing of the gospel.  We called Brian
again to see if we could visit him and he told us we could, but when we
went by nobody was home, so we'll see if we can't get a hold of him this

That's the missionary side of things in a nutshell.  The last week of my
life hasn't been the most missionary work I've ever done, but definitely
some of the busiest days of my life.  On Sunday, we picked up my new
companion, Elder Ashworth.  He is from England, as I said before.  He is
way legit.  Real fun guy.  Hard worker.  Plays Rugby, so you know he could
eat me if he wanted.  I don't know what else to say really.  Elder Rigby,
Elder Ashworth, and I all stayed the night at the mission home after eating
with the Jacksons and then Monday morning we went to the Stake Center and
had the transfer meetings where we left Elder Rigby and now I'm with Elder
Ashworth.  Sad to see elder Rigby go.  He and his family are doing a 2 week
tour of Spain together though, so I don't feel too bad for him.

Yesterday was a really busy day as well.  We had the new missionaries
come in from the MTC. So we had a meeting to train the trainers, and
then we met with the new missionaries and eventually sent them out to
the field.  They are always so excited and scared of not being able to
speak Spanish. I love it.

An adventure from yesterday: We dropped 8 missionaries off at the
train station to head north. 4 to Santiago. 4 to León.  The 4 going to
Santiago called us about 10 minutes after we had left because the
train man wouldn't let them on their train.  We returned.  I talked to
the man for like 5-10 minutes and he just would not let them on with 2
bags.  The blasted tickets say 3 bags on them and we have NEVER had
problems in the past with this.  The lady who scans tickets herself
even said "Ésta es una tontería". Which basically translates to this
is ridiculous.  But the man was in charge so we sent them to the north
with just one of their two bags.  So we currently have 4 bags in our
car. The other 4 made it on their train just fine.  Such is life I

That's about all I have time for. I hope my emails aren't like boring
now.  If they are, well there are loads of other great missionaries
with blogs. Google one of them and just know that lots of missionaries
are out here doing work.  Like a boss baby. I love this work. I'm
grateful, as always, for all of you.  I'll try and attach photos, but
it isn't looking promising. Pretty ghetto computer today.  Love you

-Elder Tanton

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