Reppin' the lone star. Betcha didn't see that one comin', did ya?
The adventure I've come to call the mission continues off the coast of Africa over here. I'll start with today just to mix things up. Today we did what could be called the boomerang. We threw ourselves down the south coast of the island, stopped at the cliffs that were in "Princess Bride" They're called Los gigantes. I'll see if you can translate that one on your own. It's a toughie. It was really sweet. Then we experienced this crazy effect called "going home on the north coast". It was essentially that, we went home on the north coast. So basically we did a giant loop of the entire island. It was definitely pretty cool. We saw the cliffs, went to a cool lookout by a town called Masca. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Then we stopped in Icod de los vinos and saw this really really old tree that is apparently pretty cool. Just seemed like a tree to me, call me crazy. El Drago Milenario. Look it up if you're that interested. Now we're back up here in La Laguna. it was quite a fun little adventure. The north of the island is way more pretty than the south half. that's for sure.
Speaking of people that know their stuff well, we had a cool experience with Ernesto this past week. He is the one that likes to "talk" about the bible. He wasn't really liking the idea of having Joseph Smith as a prophet or having the Book of Mormon. The lessons were way too long and didn't feel the Spirit during them. but on Monday we had a lesson with him that started out the same, but I did my absolute best to control my tone and almost talk in like a bored voice haha. Something quiet and controlled, sabéis? it totally changed everything. I felt the spirit bearing testimony of the Savior that day more strong than I can almost remember in any other moment of the mission. I love talking about the Atonement and testifying of our Savior, but this time was just different. I think he felt it too, cause he accepted the Book of Mormon and said he would come to church in two weeks (of course he can't this week..). It was really cool though. Just a nice reminder of what the mission is all about, ya know? It's about sharing the gospel.
That's about I've got for ya this week. I gave a talk on Sunday. It went well. I honestly think I prefer to give talks on the gospel in Spanish now instead of English. Crazy how that works. I also remembered Chad's birthday on the 6th. I didn't necessarily throw a party, but I hope he knows I love him from the Canary Islands too. Welp... Love you all I suppose. Thanks for all your support. Eat a bowl of Cocoa (or Fruity, if your name is Tim) Pebbles for me. Unless you're on a mission in a remote (to cocoa pebbles) country. In which case, the wait continues....
Elder Jeppson & Elder Merriman |
As far as the work goes we have been getting things rolling here a bit more in La Laguna. Our best prospect right now is a colombiana. The Santa Cruz elders had started teaching her right before we got here. But she lives up here in La Laguna so we have since taken over the teaching. She is really trying to learn English too haha. But she has had a lot of learning the bible as she has grown up so that's a big help when it comes to explaining things. She knows her stuff better than most.

That's about I've got for ya this week. I gave a talk on Sunday. It went well. I honestly think I prefer to give talks on the gospel in Spanish now instead of English. Crazy how that works. I also remembered Chad's birthday on the 6th. I didn't necessarily throw a party, but I hope he knows I love him from the Canary Islands too. Welp... Love you all I suppose. Thanks for all your support. Eat a bowl of Cocoa (or Fruity, if your name is Tim) Pebbles for me. Unless you're on a mission in a remote (to cocoa pebbles) country. In which case, the wait continues....
-Elder Jeppson
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