What another beautiful day we have here in the islands! How's it lookin back home? Any snow yet? Gotta get more faith in those prayers, don't we?
It's been another average week. I think it was week number 100 of the mission. Forgive me if I'm wrong. What made the week extra-ordinary? well duh, General Conference! Wasn't it just absolutely amazing! or is it just me that thinks that? New missionary age. Sick! Especially for the girls. All those girls that are like "Yeah, I'm gonna serve a mission probably...If I'm not married..." Are gonna be put to the test now, eh? Hahaha I really like that President Monson still said that it doesn't mean that they SHOULD go when they have 18/19, but that it's an option. Still gotta make sure the people are ready and prepared. Which means more seminary paying attention! Should be lots more sister missionaries though. Good luck to the future AP's and mission presidents! hahaha
So what were your favorite talks and whatnot? I absolutely loved Uchtdorf's talk about not looking toward the ends of things always. Let yourself be happy! It was basically a talk perfect for me in my head, so I loved it. I also really liked Elder Bowen's. It was extremely personal to me and I love when the general authorities let us into their own lives and share their personal experiences. Not just stories they've heard before, but things they have personally gone through. I think that's probably because as a misisonary I have learned/seen the importance of sharing personal experiences. God knows us. He knows exactly what we've been through and how we've become who we are. I know that he sends us to people that need to hear OUR stories and see OUR example of overcoming challenges. It's the only thing we have to offer these people. Any missionary can teach the message. Blast through the lessons. But God sends us where he sends us because we have experiences that specific people need to gain strength from.
I also really liked President Monson's talk about seeing people as they can become instead of how they are right now. Seeing the potential within everyone. Isn't that the beauty of missionay work and the gospel? It's all about progressing and learning. I love it! We got to see it all in english. I wanted to watch a session in spanish though. I couldn't NOT watch a session in spanish for my last conference in the mission, right? Argenis came to the priesthood session so I watched that one with him. Worked out well cause the english version ended up fallaring anyways so all the other missionaries came and watched it in spanish. Toma!
What else? I'm running out of things to talk about these days... Edid is doing well. She has a lot of work this weekend, so she won't be able to meet with us or go to church, but she's been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon and her family is really warming up to the gospel. It's another case of being able to see the people progress and change and recognize the Spirit. It's beautiful. It's what the mission is all about. I'm very grateful I've been able to see it as often as I have.

Welp. I think that's about it. Thanks for all the love and support. You're the greatest. You. The one reading this. You've made it so far in this long tedious email. So thanks! Now go out and live life!
-Elder Jeppson
President Jackson gave us permission to go to the Mickey Mouse Live! magic show. So we did. Dope, no? I forgot to tell you about it. It was a couple of weeks ago. Sorry.
That's the constant view we have over the island of Gran Canaria. Isn't life just soo rough?
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