¡Madre mía el tiempo vuela!
Pues, ¿debo escribir este e-mail en español? I´ll spare everybody the google translator mess and just do it in English. Plus, everybody would find out I´m still super ghetto in my Spanish.
How has everybody been? Seems like everybody has had good weeks. Trey rocked some Sports Academy action, Dylan, Sophie, and Natalie are growing up into their careers already (or at least having fun pretending) and the rest of everybody seems to be loving May. Glorious. I thought I should mention that I graduated from High School one year ago today. I´m amazed at how fast time flies. I´ll be seeing ya´ll again before I even know it. Ah!
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Spain Madrid Temple...out of pens/pencils |
Other than that we had a day of contacting and teaching Fani, a menos activa here in the branch. But, she forgot about us, so that didn´t even happen until Saturday. Friday was cool because an investigator (that should totally be baptized, but his wife doesn´t want to marry him or something) that is super legit had us over for dinner and then a lesson. I wish something could work out for him to get baptized. I really do. But I don´t know what to do. They have a kid together that´s 7 so they he doesn´t want to leave them but she refuses to get married or something. I dunno really. But I love talking to him. He also comes to our English classes. So that´s always fun. Saturday was the day we started knocking doors legit-like. We try and enter all the apartment buildings now. Like actually push on every door to see if it´s locked or if they last person accidentally left it cracked hahaha then we just start at the top and knock every door to the bottom. We found some legit people doing that this week. We did it Saturday an d Sunday and after all of that we found a mother and son from Columbia named Christina and Jon, and then another family that is a mother from Uruguay and her 3 daughters that are 7, 10, and 12. She recently left her husband and now the daughters have a hard time trusting men, so I´m thinking the gospel would be perfect for them! You'll see more on them on Tuesdays part. Monday was another pretty regular day. Contact contact contact. I´ve talked with everybody in this city it feels like at times, then I look down the street and there´s just a ton of people I´ve never seen in my life before! So we keep at it. Tuesday, yesterday, was a good day. We taught lessons! Wahoo! It´s been so crazy to go from Barrio 1 with the ayudantes teaching a ton to Vigo and teaching a lot still and then to Arrecife where the lessons are like blessings wrapped in gold. It really is different depending on the zone, but I know there are people everywhere waiting to hear the gospel. We taught 2 less active members yesterday and then we taught Claudia, o sea, the lady with 3 daughters. She sent her daughters to the library to "study" during out lesson but I think she was testing us to see what we were all about. It went well. We found out about her situation more (like with her husband) and that she really wants to strengthen the spiritual side of her life again after being with an atheist for so long. Seems promising, and she said the daughters will be there all together next time (friday). I´m pretty excited about that. After that we taught the Columbians I talked about earlier. They were really nice people as well but didn´t seem as pumped to have Christ in their life like the family before. The mom has a lot of questions. I´m hoping they read and pray and attend church. If they would just do that and have faith they´ll receive an answer I know that it will happen! But that´s the story with every investigator I suppose. That is what happened in my past 7 days. Were you all entertained? I´m glad. Also, today I broke my mail fast, o sea, I got some letters! Silly Brad, I don´t live on calle Miami anymore. hahahaha I did finally get your letter though. I love hearing about these crazy hockey playoffs.
Other than all of that good stuff life continues over here in Spain. Adventures seem to happen occasionally, and I love it. It´s hard at times, but I love it. I´m very grateful for Grandma Vinson especially at this time, such an amazingly strong woman and a great example for all of us. She is in my prayers por supuesto. Well, I´m pretty much out of stuff to say. I love you all. I love the church. I love my Savior. His hand is in our lives. Don´t forget to recognize it. I have an amazing family. I have 2 amazing families that are joined into one giant family de hecho. Thank you all for being incredible examples to me and helping me to become who I have become, aunque I still need to learn lots of stuff, like how to cook. I have you all to thank for all the great things I´ve learned in all these 19 years of living. Yup. I love you all.
El gran Elder Jeppson de Arrecife
P.S. feel free to ask me lots of questions in your emails and I´ll answer them and have lots of awesome stuff to say every week. I am just fatal at thinking of things on my own. And I have this cool key on my keyboard: ç
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