Hola familia, amigos, desconocidos, y todos los demás que quizás estén leyendo esto.
Saturday was gonna be a productive day, until we decided to attend a wedding. We thought it would take like an hour to an hour and a half so when the branch mission leader invited us we went. It was on like a different side of the island in Tinajo. 30 minute drive. The bride is from here in the island and is marrying some american dude. His brother married the brides sister. Those two met in Madrid when the brother was studying abroad after a mission to Argentina. Long story short the brides sister got converted, married, and then the other two siblings met and this was their wedding. So we went to the wedding, which was interesting. Spanish weddings have like a bunch of clapping, a lot of paper signing, and apparently not a lot of guests usually (so it was weird when these mormons invited everyone) hahah then they went to the temple on Tuesday to get sealed. That´s how you have to do it in Spain. Spain doesn´t recognize temple marriages as legit, so you have to do it civilly (thanks google) and then in the temple. It was cool to see the Spanish style of wedding. Not too different really though. After, we went to their reception for like 3 hours. Tons of food coming out, and I was fasting. Lame! But worth it. About 3/4 through we go up to congratulate the couple. Well the groom is like where are you from? and I´m like well Cache Valley. He says cool my sister lives there, go talk to her. So I do. ¨Hey are you from the blah blah blah jeppsons of Providence?¨ ¨No, do you know Sil Jeppson?¨ ¨Sil Jeppson?!¿¿¡¡ Yeah! he´s in our ward. In fact my husband here used to be Family Home Teaching Companions with him. Boom. What the freaking crap? Steve Johnson and his wife were at the wedding. What a small world eh? I guess they live like a block and a half away from my dad. Cool! So I hung out and talked about life back home for a bit.
In regards to other boring stuff: I got my package finally! Thank you tons. Thank you for the Christmas present Greg. I will be sure to rock that shirt like a boss. Thank you to mom/dad for the other shirts and goodies as well. That CD is LEGIT. It has like all of my favorite church songs on it, even Be still my soul! which isn´t a hymn in Spanish unfortunately. The no-bake cookies are also absolutely amazing. I can´t believe they were baked in Nibley. I love mail! Hmmm, Elder Knorr went home when I got to Barrio 1 and is already engaged. I never told him I stalked him. I was afraid. I did ask to take a picture with him once. He looked at me like I was a nut and it never happened. I did take a picture for him once though. Thought you would all like to know the end of my creeper career. Dad, You forgot to put our line of authority in the package. I thought you would like to know that so you can send me one this week. I got the hockey stats from you mom. Thank you tons even though the Red Wings are super lame and Riley Hazeldine is super happy. Speaking of which I would like to give him a shoutout for his Virginia mission call and ask him to send me his mission office address asap. Oh. Hey. I need to talk about Skype, don´t I? Ok. I will be skyping home this Sunday. There´s some catches. Not really. But I will be doing it at 9:30 your time. I will call mom first and then second dad. The catch is that I get 40 minutes. Therefore I technically get 20 minutes with each family. Keep that in mind ya´ll. I thought I could pull the ¨Hey I get Christmas presents from 2 families why not double the Skype time?¨ card with president, but I guess he didn´t see it as a situation for the divorce to be a benefit, so I am holding steady at 20 minutes with each. Be ready with all sorts of awesome questions and stuff to ask me. I´m gonna be wearing a white shirt and tie, so be ready for that. Also, I consistently wear glasses and that might be odd for some of you. Oh wait, that´s all exactly what you expect. Austin Robbins can be invited too. But if he doesn´t want to, I mean that´s fine. Well goodness look at all of that boring stuff that ended up being kind of long. Sorry ya´ll! I´m hoping this email is legit and makes everybody smile up a storm. Smile storms are the best. What the heck am I even saying...
Elder Jefe-son. Google that. It means Elder the boss
I´m pretty sure.
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