Hello everybody. Family. Friends. People I´ve never met that somehow read this.
Ha sido una buena semana! It went fast. They all seem to. Where to begin where to begin. Well, last Thursday was pretty much uneventful. We did teach Christina and Jon again. They have been doing well. They´re the Colombians. The mom had some bad experiences with visiting churches so she is super hesitant to attend, but she loves having us over. So we´re gonna sneak in some members that are Columbian and see if we can lighten her up a bit and get her to church! Man it´s so much harder for them to progress if they don´t go to church. Friday was a pretty good day. We taught our Chinese investigator Fa again. I can never remember what I told you all the week before about investigators so I´m sorry if I repeat myself a ton. I do remember telling you he is wise, and it continues. When he came into the church for this lesson he was like asking us how many members there are and figuring out if the building was big enough to support growth in the future and stuff. Haha alright man. Claro que sí. We also taught Carmen the eternigator on Friday. She is like reading Doctrine and Covenants now and asking us all these deep questions but just doesn´t want to commit to get baptised. She says that she is down with it now finally, but that she wants to wait until she goes to Peru with her family in November or January. So we´ll see what goes on there. Claudia, the Uruguayan with 3 daughters, also has been going well. We taught her on Friday as well. We showed them the DVD of the Restoration and at the end the 12 year old was like "How cool!" It was great. They love when we´re there. It´s great. Saturday we set up an appointment with some big dude from Tahiti. But he forgot so we didn´t get to teach him. I´m excited to set up another appointment with him though. Somebody from Columbia, Uruguay, China and Tahiti at the same time? Hahahah wow. Saturday we taught Christina and Jon again about the Plan of Salvation and that went... well. Christina didn´t understand everything super well right off the bat, but we backed up and slowed down and she got it eventually. Sunday we had church, which, as always, went well. It´s like Spanish listening practice for me. Yay.
Seems like everything has been going swell back home. Swimming pool, Park City, and summer-fest parties seem to be happening everyday. I got the pictures of the snuggies that Caden, Colby, and Gavin got for Easter. Loved them. Thanks Stepmom for the pictures of our family too. Congrats Gavin for graduation. Sorry I´m a week late, but cool announcement. Yahoo! A fun story from Spain is that the blasted members make me drink Coke all the time. They love that stuff here. So sorry Dad. I drink Mommy´s drink hahahaha. I hate it. Bleh. I was wondering if anybody could email me with the origin of Jeppson. Dad, this would be a good thing to ask you to do probably, since you gave me it. Jeppson. Where is it from? Germany? That´s what I always thought, but people always tell me it´s from Scandinavia and junk. Sooo. Also, if you could put my line of authority in the next package like you were going to do in thet rejected package, I would love that. Hmmm. Mini cassette tapes would be nice too. I only have a couple left. I guess I could re-record over ones I have received, but we´ll see. Hmm other requests for the package: Any session of General Conference(Prefereably between 2000 and 2007) in spanish. Any Music of course. A DVD of the Stanley cup Finals. Just kidding on that one of course. Just make sure you all talk together before sending it (the parents at least) becasue in letters home I´ve always brought up some things I think. I dunno. There´s nothing I´m really dying without over here. Life is pretty grand on the islands. Constant ocean breeze, Burnt neck because it saw sun all p-day last week instead of being hid inside a collar, and people from all parts of the world. Not a bad life I don´t think. That´s all I've really got. I love you all. I know that this Church is true. God had a plan for each and every one of us. He knows us perfectly. He knows exactly what trials we need and when we need them. He knows the help we need, and when we need to struggle through things on our own. I would appreciate it if somebody went to the temple for me since I can´t go. Let me know how it goes. Who knows, maybe it´s what you need.
Elder Jeppson
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