Familia. It´s been a week. A freakin´ scorcher of a week too. Wowsers. Everybody tells me it´s been like 38-40 degrees. That´s like 100 to 105. If I have had the opportunity to listen to your quejas for so long, I am taking this opportunity to curse this heat! blarghlsnargl It´s hot and humid. There we go. I did my weather bit. Now everybody can see I´m still a normal person like everyone back home :) hahaha Wow.
So this past week has been a pretty average week. Not an absolute ton to report, but I´ll report anyways since it seems to be the reason people like to receive these emails that are of gold. Mom, if you could do the grand placer of copying and pasting this into a DearElder for Elder Robbins, he´ll love it. Just like I love him. Last Wednesday we had a P-day. I talked to you all on it, so we´ll move onto ThursdayI practiced my Spanish that day by living in Spain. It went well. We contacted some people and it was great. I also practice my English by teaching it. Fara is a new chick that comes to class. She is maruecan too. She writes us words in Arabic. Cool words, like Tanton Jeppson. I´ll ask her to do the Boss next. Which reminds me that I need Elder El-Bakri´s mission office address.
I also had a Friday this past week. We taught some crazy dude from Cuba. He just taught us all the Cuban history of why most Cubans try to hop on little boats to Miami. Hahaha crazy hard accent to understand. But it´s whatevs. That´s for you Elder Robbins. I also learned that cumplido is compliment in Spanish. Not complimento hahaha. Ooops. Been messing that one up for a while, not that I say it tons. I dunno, maybe they both work. Clearly, I´m still learning. Saturday we taught Claudia. It went well. We found out she had a bad experience in the church about 2 years ago. Something like she picked up her daughters from it
(don´t know why they were there) and none of the members were very friendly or something. I dunno. So we focused that lesson on the importance of going to church and invited her to the last 2 hours, since she works until halfway through Sacrament meeting. Tune in on Sunday to see if she went. Also on Saturday night we taught Christina and Jon. She told us that she loves having us over and she loves reading the Book of Mormon but she refuses to go to church again. Rats. So we´re gonnna seguir adelante with her cool off on the church attendance and focus on her testimony del Libro de Mormón. Nobody even had to google translate that one. Cool.
Apart from all those adventures not a lot has happened. I´m pretty sure I´m staying here because somebody from the office called us today and told us that there are 2 mini missionaries coming in for at least 2 weeks. So I´ll be with a new mini-missionary for at least 2 weeks instead of with Elder White. We´ll see how that goes. I´m excited. Of course this could all be a false alarm and I´m getting transferred and somebody new is coming in to do it. I would say it´s safe to send letters to Arrecife still, but hold out on the package until next week when I can really let you know what is up. Like a Boss. I love you all. Thanks for all your support love letters and stories of glory from back home. Keep on keepin´ on ya´ll. Just read the Book of Mormon, Pray, and go to church! Formula for success.
Con Amor y un abrazo,
Elder Jefeson
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