Hello Familia. It´s been another week. Wooooiiiii!
Mom, are you still sending these to Elder Robbins? He loves them.
Cool. Well it´s been a crazy last week. A lot of stuff has happened. The mini missionaries were here for the weekend so that was fun. But they knew they were going home in like 3 days, so they kind of died off on their desires to work and serve haha. My companion was already back on home on like Wednesday mentally it seemed. But it was alright. It was a fun and really fast 2 weeks with them. That´s the truth. Learned a lot of Spanish from them (especially Canarian slang haha Sollajo!) and got a lot of work done. Found some new people even. We have been teaching a Columbian lady named Patricia. She is pretty cool. Doesn´t seem like she always has TONS of interest, but she retains what we teach. She only likes to meet with us once a week and doesn´t come to church, but bueno we´re gonna keep it up with her. See what happens. The big thing from lately is that we have been working a lot with menos activos. They members that don´t really ever come to church. It´s been cool to see people start showing up to church again after they haven´t been in so long. It´s cool to feel the same spirit with them that we feel with Investigators. I dunno. It´s not something I guess I expected before the mission ya know? You just picture yourself getting pneumonia from baptizing so much. But it´s really cool to help them fortalecer their testimonies too. Saturday there was a sweet activity in the church. A Hawaiian Leau(loo-au?) I don´t know how to spell that. I didn´t get to go though, because Elder White and his mini went and I went and did visits with President Watkins! He was down here visiting the branch and doing temple interviews for the branch before they all go in September to the temple. So after his interviews we got to go out and work with President. It was cool. He´s a trabajador. I learned a lot from watching him/working with him. My mini left the next day after Church. It was a bittersweet ending haha. I think he realized how hard the missionary work really is but I also think he learned to really appreciate the spirit you can feel. It´s a rollercoaster of an experience. He is still studying but says he´ll be heading out on the mission in 2 years after studying. I´m hoping to be able to keep in contact with him and keep darring him some animo. It really is a crazy experience, the mission. Christina and Jhon keep on progressing. Well, Christina does at least. I really think she just needs some friends in the church and then she would be golden. So this week we´re trying to get different members to accompany us and then in the church we try to let the members do their thing and not get in the way too much. The members are really sooo important in missionary work. Sooo crucial. A good thing goes a long way and a dumb comment goes a long way in the opposite direction too hahaha. Luckily the branch here is pretty legit. Monday we also taught another new investigator that Amado and I contacted last week. She´s from the Domincan Republic, but she´s white. It´s interesting. Her name is Gladys.
Thanks for all your emails and blog updates and such. It´s fun to see about all the camps and deer-hittings that are going on back in Utah/North Carolina. Thanks for all your support and thanks in advance for that package that is over the Atlantic Ocean right now I´m sure. I love the Savior. The Atonement literally gave us a purpose to this life. I think it´s important that we remember to be grateful for that atoning sacrifice of our older brother. I can´t think of a better way to be grateful for it than to help Him with His mission, o sea help people to learn about the importance of the Atonement and help them into the waters of baptism to apply La Expiación en su propia vida. Such a blessing. It´s tough, but with support from a fantastic family like ya´ll and with the Lord on my side I definitely feel the love everyday. You´re all the best. Thanks for the letters, prayers, and support. I love you all.
Elder Jeppson
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