Hello all. I love you all. I am sad to hear about Grandma Vinson, but I know it is for the best. I am also very glad I had the opportunity to tell her goodbye before I left. It was a great blessing to have known her. She will be missed, but she has left an amazing example of hard work and an amazing attitude for all of us. Hard work, and an amazing attitude. I can think of nobody who was happier than my amazing great-grandma Vinson. I love you grandma.
Elders Jeppson & White and their "mini-missinaries" |
I don´t have much time. But it has been a crazy week. I´m just gonna get this thing going. The biggest thing has been having a mini missionary. It has been a big blessing and a big patience tryer at the same time. Also, a big testimony builder. Let me explain. He is Canarian. He was baptised one year and two months ago. The Canarian part means he is really prideful and speaks Spanish. (That was a terrible generalization. I´m sorry) Which means that if I don´t understand every word he says he thinks I´m an idiot. Which is partially true. But the baptism part means that he has a great testimony and not a ton of church background. It has been amazing to hear his conversion story and how the gospel has changed his life. It reminds me of the reason why I´m out here on the mission. Baptize. Invite others to repent and come unto Christ. It also means that I have been trying to help him bear his testimony and learn a lot of the doctrine still. It´s been a really hard working week. Being the example for him and all and being more or less in charge of the week I have really tried to work hard. I have loved it. The harder we work, the more happiness I feel. But, I am afraid I went a little overboard, because Monday my mini decided to go home. But then his best friend, who is Elder White´s mini, convinced him to stay here for the second week. Needless to say it has been a fantastic rollercoaster. Wahoo! A good week without doubt. Carmen is a painter. I might have talked about her before. She is an "eternigator". We challenged her to a baptismal date of July 16th. She´s praying about it. She says she feels peace when she does. But she isn´t sure if that´s her answer or not. It´s hard. But we´re being patient and doing all we can to help her into the waters of baptism. She can´t come to church really though (like I haven´t ever seen her there) because her job is taking care of an old sick man. It´s a hard situation. Christina and Jhon have been going great! They BOTH even came to church on Sunday. That is like a landmark cause Jhon is a lazy 17 year old that likes to sleep (weren´t we all?) and she didn´t like the absence of, well, virgins and saints the first time. But they both came and Jhon really liked it and his mother loved that he liked it and it went better for her this time too. We´re hoping to set a baptism date with them. They´re praying too to see if baptism is what they´re supposed to do. Monday was the 4th of July, so of course there were firework shows and all that good stuff. Oh wait....nope. We didn´t even have a flag. So I drew one, and then a member called us and put the Star Spangled Banner on speaker phone hahaha. It was good stuff. Then, there was someone here before that left an England flag in our piso. So we took pictures with it. Hahaha. They were at least involved in the Revolutionary war, right? It didn´t really feel like a holiday. At all. Mail even came. But I didn´t get any, which made it feel a little more like a holiday. Such is life.

Yesterday I made one of the biggest mistakes of my mission: I let Amado cut my hair. He chunked the back pretty bad I guess. But it´s whatevs. The other two did a clean-up job that apparently isn´t "too noticeable". Guess hair grows for a reason. That´s been the lovely story of a boy in Spain this past week. I hope you all had a great week and that everybody can be happy to have had the blessing of knowing Grandma Vinson. You´re in my prayers. Moroni 8:3 style.
Elder Jeppson
Riding a camel... |
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