It´s true. I stepped on lizard and killed him dead without meaning to. Poor little guy. The good die young.

It´s been two weeks in one. The first week was lame. I was sick. I started feeling it last Tuesday, but then on Wednesday and on it got worse. I just had like random little symptoms from everything, like headaches and woozy stomach and super tired legs after doing nothing, so I got scared it was mono, and we rested a lot. We still went out and taught lessons when we had them and whatnot, but it definitely was not the same rough and tough missionary work we always do unfortunately. Please don´t think I´m a baby. I just wanted to not die like December of my senior year (Sherlock Holmessss). So basically all I have to report from those days is that Cristina kind of went downhill :(. She has been studying lately (like, started this past week) and now is super busy trying to work, study, and I guess she wants to be entertained at times too (I dunno what that´s all about) So she´s been too busy to read from the Book of Mormon and has "otra cositas que hacer" Sunday mornings during church. She loves us (Elder White and I), so she still wants us to come over, but I think we´re gonna go this Saturday with a member, invite her to church, read with her in Mosiah 18 to show what it´s all about being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, and then if she doesn´t come to church on Sunday we´ll have to...drop her. Sad. But it is what it is. We´re searching for the elect according to Doctrine and Covenants.
Sunday was cool. We caught a flightb(surprise surprise) over to Gran Canaria so Elder White could do his thang with the other elders in our district. I got lucky because the Zone Leaders are split up right now over theremn(there´s only 2 companionships on that island) which means that while Elder White went with the other 2 that he hasn´t done exchanges with (he did it with the Zone Leaders when they came 2 weeks ago, do you remember?) I got to work with the Zone Leaders again. This is luck because they´re both legit. Elder Kunkel and Elder Jackson. They´re both from Georgia. Who´da thunk it? I worked in Las Palmas on Sunday with the Kunkster and in Vecindario on Monday with the Jacksonator. Do you like those nicknames? Elder Jackson said "I never did understood that" at one point and it was great Georgian-ness at its finest. Tuesday, o sea, yesterday, we had district meeting over there in the old mission home again with everybody together. It was great fun. I am trying to attach fotos. I´m sure they´ll delight everybody.
It´s hard to have much to say this week. I didn´t really get to have a typical investigator teaching week so I can´t really share anything new with ya´ll (oh no) about the investigators and such. Sorry. Something cool that has happened lately though is that Riqui, the other mini missionary that was with Elder white, had a super lame bike crash (fell off the handlebars and hit his head on a light post, then the sidewalk) 4 days before he was supposed to enter the mission (Málaga) for reals. Everybody thinks it´s super sad, but right when it happened I dunno why but I felt like there was a purpose for it. Well, as he was with us for 2 weeks his mom decided to let the missionaries teach her for the first time. Now he has been in a coma for 10 days and she has seen all the support from the branch and, since she knows how much she loves that little blue libro de mormón, she has been reading him a chapter (at least) every day while he has been taking his medically induced siesta. She even came to church for the first time on Sunday. So I think that she has been the purpose for this accident. I dunno, I have had a good feeling about the whole situation even though the situation is a bit of a sad one. Basically, just realize that sometimes bad things happen but the Lord has His hand in our everyday dealings and he´ll get his work done. Trust him. I´m trying to learn to trust him better. I´m not saying it´s easy. But I do know it´s worth it when we can do it.
Tell Brother Loosli I got his email and thanks. He´s always been a legit example to me. There should be an Ensign article about him and how he always tried to help visit me and help me even if I had work on Sundays and didn´t show up at Sacrament meeting. He really did help me a lot. Tell Bishop Burton hi for me too and that I really do miss setting up a ridiculous amount of interviews with him. Ummm .The river trip went well. Awesome! Still jealous, but not trunky. Can´t wait to hear more. Thanks for all who sent me scriptures. You´re all legit. Love you. Thanks for teh package too. Including to the North Carolina crew. The peanut Butter is the biggest jar of happiness I´ve ever seen .
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