Well howdy hey ya´lls. ¿Qué tal
estáis? Espero que la semana pasada os haya ido bien.
Well let´s play a little game here. It´ll
take two years, but it´s called: How many babies can we have while Elder
Jepperjep is serving a mission? We´re up to two. Congrats Kristina! and
Greg too! You´re wonderful. Boston is excited to have a brother (or
Look, I´m still making paragraphs! So this
past week has been a good one. In some ways it seems like I haven´t
emailed in ages, and in other ways it just seems like it´s been a week.
Everything has been going well over here. The office junk is junking
along nicely. I call people and tell them what to they have to do to stay
in the country, and then they either do it or they don´t. If they do then
we´re all smiles and hugs and fluffy things (as if we were serving in Mexico,
where miracles read the Book of Mormon overnight between lessons) and if they
don´t do it then things are maces and metal spiky things and politics (or
anything else that makes you cringe upon hearing it). I try not to worry
too much about it. That will either be a strength or a weakness in the
future. Yes, I did just point out the only two completely obvious
options. Grand!
Onto not so boring and office-y things. Adel
is getting baptized in 2 days!!! Wahoo! He´s ready. He has been one
of those already prepared people. He has just been waiting for the OK go
on the baptism. But he does have the OK...Go! on the baptism and he
passed his interview on Saturday. Full steam ahead! Also, we set a
fecha (date) with Nani! She wants to be baptized on October 1st.
I´m super stoked. We had a lesson with her on....last week sometime and I
challenged her to that date, and she shut us down and told us she wanted to
read the whole Book of Mormon first and then tell us when she wanted to be
baptised. But then last night at the end of the lesson I was still really
feeling like the Spirit wanted it, so I asked her WHEN she would like to be
baptized and she said the first of October. I think the first invitation
was the Spirit´s way of preparing her for the second invitation. Now we
get to see how Satan throws her curveballs in the next few weeks and how she
handles them. Every investigator has his or her own little thing to
overcome it seems. Some find strength in God to do it, and some
don´t. It´s not easy. Never has been, never will be. It IS
worth it. Always has been, always will be. So we´re excited about
that. We also found another lady from Paraguay named Sonia that seems
really good to us. But in the first lesson she straight up told us she is lazy
but wants a change in her life. But that when people are comfortable in
life (and she told us she is) that changes are harder. So I guess we´ll see if
she fulfills her own prophecy. That´s where we lie in the scheme of
things in Alcobendas/SanSe de los Reyes. Elder Woodbury and I are
great. We laugh. We cry. We have a companionship hug at the
end of everyday (and he makes it suck on purpose). It´s good times.
The best is when we both get rocked by Spanish. It doesn´t happen too
often, but when it does it´s funny. It´ll be lame to like understand
everyword and phrase someday. It just won´t be as fun. But for now
it´s still fun.
This past week I would say that Labor
day went well, but I didn´t even know we had it. So it was fun to see
that it went well in the states. Everybody is back off to school it
seems. Even USU. Crazy how fast the last year has gone. The
next time I talk to anybody over yonder habré cumplido otro paso de la
misión. Wowzer. The time just flies. Hey, something that is
fun is when people send me random quotes and random lyrics form Taylor Swift
and Mayday Parade songs (and other bands too, but probably only Kylie and
Austin should brave into that category). Just so you all know.
Hey! other fun thing from the past week. We
ate at the Bishop´s house on Sunday! Bishop Vierbuchen. It´s pronounced
like Fear-Boook-ennnnn. They´re from the great land of Germany.
They´re a legit family. The parents. 17-year old Tim. 14-Year
old Teresa and 11-year old Tomo. The mom made us all this delicious food
that I´ll never be able to cook so I´ll just marry somebody who loves to
The move went well last P-day.
Today for P-day we did a bunch of office-secretary missionary stuff, so
basically we just worked like normal. It kind of is lame. But it´s
whatevs. There are plenty of free days after the mission. And I
still got to email. So everybody is happy.
Something else to note is that on
Monday´s the AP´s don´t come in and do their shindig now. President has
assigned those projects to us, so we have even more to do. We´ll see how
it goes. I mostly just wrote that because I think I forgot to write it in
my journal(I keep one! Miracles happen once in a while...)
One of my "Happy thoughts"
(I call them TS moments) from this week was: Today I saw a shirt that said
"I will cut skalps off". People just wear whatever shirt they
can find if it´s in English. The translation is usually something
ridiculous or crappy and is always funny.
I´m kind of in ramble mode right
now. I didn´t have time to write any letters home today.
None. It´s like I´m in B2 again. Sad.
I talked to Hermano Koller´s grandma
finally. Does he still read these?
Does Keaton Cluff have a freaking
This church is true. Thank you
for supporting me. I´m grateful as well that the Savior supported us 2000
years ago when the Atonement was fulfilled for us. I´m grateful that the
Savior still supports us when we humble ourselves in prayer and we have faith
in him and do all that we need to do to be worthy of his blessings. I´m
grateful for my family. You all support and guide me and have helped me
to become who I am today. I´m grateful for babies. They keep our
families going and there´s gonna be at least two more to bully around and love
when I get home. Wahoo! I´m grateful for the Book of Mormon.
I´m grateful that I read it. I´m grateful I have time set aside every day
in my schedule to continue reading it. I´m grateful for my parents.
All 4 of them. I don´t know how I got double lucky. But I got
double lucky. I´m grateful for my friends. You all know who you
are. I am still waiting for Tonya and Bekka though ;) I´m grateful
for you all. Big and small. Long time knowing you and short.
You´re all the best. and yes, I am talking to you.
Love you all! ¡Que Dios os
Elder Jeppson
P.S. Mom, will you tell Chad
that I thought of him yesterday. He´s a great cousin. You can tell him
happy birthday for me too. Thanks!
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