Well here we are again, and once again, you look good.
It's been a pretty good week. Felt long, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I think it's cause I feel like I slept away my whole last p-day, so it's been nice to not beeeee sssiiiiiicckkkkkkk. That's right, I actually feel like a normal boy right now! Wahoo. Let's hope that's not me jinxing myself, eh?
I guess I'll just talk about some things that have been going through my head lately. First off, the investigators. Shirley is doing well. She's got her fecha for the the 21st and it looks like that's gonna be A-OK. I guess we'll just have to make sure the baptismal font gets filled up.
Gisel came to church on Sunday! It was way sweet. She lives in Tres Cantos, so it is quite a bit more of a journey for her to get into San Sebastián de los Reyes. She has to catch a train and then switch over and whatnot. Well she missed her first train, and instead of being a normal whiney investigator and being like "Oh wah I guess I'll just wait until next week" she was a trooper. "Is it ok if I get there a little bit late?" Of course! So we waited for her at the train station with Leyddy and then all walked to the church together. A little late, but no pasa nada. I was really happy to see the ward actually like, talk to her and help her feel welcomed. I really hit on that in my last talk to the ward because, honest, they kind of didn't do it before. So it was nice to see that. We have an appointment with her this afternoon, so hopefully that goes well.
Those are really all we have that are worth going in depth on. Other than that we've just met with some newbs and continued looking for new people. Some other news from the past week is that we have been piso hunting. We're gonna move to a new apartment because President has told us there's gonna be another companionship in our area. So I guess we'll be splitting the area. He also has hinted at the possibility/necesidad of having room for 5 missionaries next transfer, which would mean I be training a new secretary for 3 weeks and then getting transferred. I really hope that if that's the case he picks the second half of the transfer to do it. I really don't want to leave yet. But I guess that that's just the way the cat stuck his tail in the fan.
This is the paragraph where I tell my parents thanks for everything. Yes, all 4 of you. I figure you've all put up with me pretty equally, but that's still a lot of stuff to put up. I spent my personal study a couple of days ago in Alma 36-42 where we've got big bad Alma teaching his kids what's up and I thought to myself, this guy is the boss. And it made me grateful for my parents and for all that I have learned from your examples and counsels and everything. I really have been truly blessed. I know that there is no way I would be here without all your help. All the fun motorcycle trips, getting lost in powder at Targhee, not making my bed for so many days in a row I held the family record, dying my hair black so that Mom thought I was a Mexican, going on midnight bike rides and seeing fire in your eyes when I decided to come home, long drives to hockey games, counting saves by writing them on your hand, going on a long walk and talking about life in a North Logan neighborhood, Priesthood session of October of 2010, lots of grocery shopping after long Mt. Logan days, sarcasm, and basically just lots of years of getting passed back and forth and feeling the love from both sides. I love you all, thanks for everything you've all done.
Welp, I'm gonna go write on some papers and take pictures with them. I don't have any idea why that's important to know, but I try to have a reason for everything I do. That's kind of a lie. I love you all!
Elder Jeppson
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