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Hippogrif |
Another week has come and gone and it's been a pretty good one. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but that's mission ordinary so there was still a lot of stuff that happened I suppose. Crazy what happens when you replace Facebook time from before the mission with "walk around the streets of Spain and talk to everybody you can about the church" time.
So we were supposed to have transfers this past week (I was emergency transferred up here a bit early), but last Wednesday we found out that there are 12 missionaries that had just barely gotten their visas and can't enter until the 15th of March, so transfers have been postponed until then, and then we'll just have ea short little 4-week transfer instead of 6 week transfer. So that's interesting. I imagine I will be staying here in Gijón, so don't get your hopes up too high of my grand island return (although I think that was in the works until crap hit the fan...). Not just yet ;) My hunch for the coming transfer is that Élder Rigtrup and I get split up and 2 more missionaries come up here to Gijón to be with us. When I was in the office President had been trying to get two companionships up here and there's a lot more coming in than left, so we'll see what happens.
On to fun stuff instead of politics... Last week I went on exchanges with Elder Ottesen in Oviedo. It was pretty sweet. I was hobbling around because apparently soccer rocks my world, but we got some good work done and found some good people. We also got to travel up to Avilés to teach a family up there. There currently aren't missionaries in that city, so it was a pretty rare chance to be able to go there. It was fun to get to work in their area though and see how the work is going and meet a couple of the members over there and whatnot.
Then it was back to good ol' Gijón. I'm really starting to get along with the members well and warmed up to them. This was one of my goals was to really focus on involving the branch up here in the missionary work. My experiences up til now in the mission have definitely helped me realize even more the importance of members in the work. If we work with the members then we strengthen the branch as well as the investigators at the same time. Way more efficient. We've been focused on Luis's family lately. They are a reference from a Romanian member here. They're from the Dominican Republic. It's the dad, mom, and 3 kids. So a family of 5. Wahoo! Families can be eternal. The problem has been that we can't meet with them an absolute ton, so we're trying to get to meet with them during the week too, but the dad works a lot, so it's a bit hard. We do have a visit with them tonight though. Hopefully the dad can get home from work on time. This past week only the mom and daughter came to church, so we're gonna try and get all 5 to come this week. That would just be like getting your very own Hippogriff for me.
We also have been meeting with a lot of the members up here. We met this one Paraguayo que se llama Sebastián. Colombianos and Paraguayos. Those are just my gente. I think I was supposed to serve in both those countries, but Heavenly Father couldn't call me to both, so I came here haha. But he and his wife are not active these days. They say the people here are cold. Surprise surprise. South Americans loved the church over there then came here and didn't like the cold people so they went inactive. Ay ay ay.... They seem really good though, and there is a different girl that lives with them (when she isn't working interna) that isn't a member, so we're seeing all sorts of little opportunities that will hopefully blossom into a boom of glory soon.
Not a lot more time, but a quick story. So we had a good day of contacting ahead of us on Monday, and we wanted to a great job, so we chose a section of the city, then prayed and asked Heavenly Father to put somebody in our path that needed us. Monday mornings are usually pretty hard to talk to people on the street, so we were knocking doors and came across this....you guessed it....colombiana! She seemed really good and excited to meet with us and we haven't been able to yet, but she seems to have alot of potential. she said she is moving on Friday to a different part of town, so we're gonna try and get in on the action and do some service. yeah!
I also learned how to make Spanish Tortilla today. My wife will be able to cook that. It's fan-freaking-tastic.
I love you all. I know this church is true and I'm just doing my best to do my duty and share it with everybody. Read that Book of Mormon. It's true. We've really been trying to teach and share the Book of Mormon lately and it's crazy how strong the Spirit is in those lessons. That's about it for today.
Love you all,
Elder Tanton Jeppson
Like a Boss.
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