Thursday, March 1, 2012

Yo conduzco, y ella me guía

Hello familia. 
No time today. So it'll be short.  But that's ok, cause we got a lot of time left to write more in the future. 
Gijón.  Wow.  Love it.  It's way different than the other places I've served here in Spain.  Way more Spaniard.  Lots of old Spaniards here.  Which is cool. Makes the work a little tougher, but I mean where there's a will there's a way. 
The zone conference went well last week.  We didn't have much time to plan it.  Elder Hodges and I just kind of found a scripture that summed up what we wanted to say and then I said "Can we talk about pirates? I love pirates." and so we talked about pirates hahaha.  Anybody that knows me knows that ninjas will never be talked about in a zone conference. Boo! We talked about how our faith is the hull of our ship and our excitement/ánimo to do the work is the mast.  Those two are enough to serve the mission, but if we want to be efficient and really get work done we need a rudder, which is our obedience.  Which is a really weak point in the north here.  So that's what we talked about.  It went quite well I thought.  But it's always easier to say that if you plan it and aren't in the audience bored to death.
Got to Gijón Thursday night and basically spent the weekend getting to know people.  There are a lot of good faithful members here and lots of less actives too. Who would have thought! less actives in Spain... Crazy?  There is a Chapel here too! Not just a bajo.  A real building that is owned by the church where we have church.  That is a miracle! So beautiful.  So that's fun.  I'm really short on time today. So hope all is well haha.  I tried to attach a lot of pictures, but they're not working. It says three are attached.  We'll see if they send. I'll try a different email after this one and see if I can swing it. 
I know this church is true and I do rightly love being in the service of the Lord.  Hope ya'lls know that.  Keep up the grand work and don't be afraid to write me.

-Elder Jeppson

-Elder Jeppson

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