Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ya know, I dream sometimes about flying...

Who doesn't?  G´day mates! Rise and shine! I think ya'll had daylight savings time, no? If not, then soon.  Fathers day is this week here in Spain, so here's to a good Father's day on the 19th to Dad and Brad! Also, Let me rock some birthday wishes I suppose.  Melissa, last week, yeah! Trey on the 10th, Wahoo! Caden, you are a big oldy now too. I didn't forget about you. And Natalie should hit 2 this week I think too.  So holy smokes just a good time to have a birthday I suppose. Happy Birthday! 

It's been quite the week.  Just like always. Even if it isn't quite the week, it's still quite the week.  Don't judge me.  So that Angela girl that was so fantastic won't answer the phone now and we didn't get to help them move.  Dang you Colombianos!  But we have had some good visits with others.  We've been working with some of the less active members and members that are recent converts and whatnot.  For the most part we don't really have any investigators except Luis and Zoraida and their family.  Which leads me to happiness.

We met with them last Wednesday and had a good lesson with them about the Restoration.  But, they told us they couldn't come to church on Sunday (so I guess no Hippogriff :( rats!)  and in the end, they weren't able to come.  They had to do a bunch of stuff with their house all day and basically transformed their house.  Well, after church we wanted to make sure they knew they were loved and everything was ok, so we passed by around 3.  They were still really busy but we got them to let us come by at 8:30.  So we went by at 8:30.  The whole family was there so we talked about the first half of the plan of salvation and need to be baptized.  Well, the daughter had had a dream the night before that she had gotten baptized and felt cleaner and happier than ever before.  The mom was like "first she has a dream and then you two come here teaching us about it!" Haha and then towards the end I really felt like we needed to invite them to get baptized, so I did.  And they accepted!  So as for now, they're on to get baptized the 14th of April.  We're pretty dang stoked that this whole family wants to get baptized.  Yeah! That's what this work is all about.  Families being together forever.  So that was pretty much the highlight from the week.

On Monday I went down to León to do exchanges with Elder Evans.  He is this big Marine that is just super full of love and a great guy.  León is also a pretty old school Spanish city.  Lots of like old-school walls and such, so that was kind of fun.  We taught some investigators they have that are from Columbia about the Spirit and how we can recognize it and listen to the whisperings.  And also a recent convert.  Other than that we did some contacting and looking for people.  We talked to a lot of people that day...
Then we switched back yesterday at district meeting.  So it was a pretty good exchange.  Got know Elder Evans better and decided I'm joining the military after.  Just kidding.  But seriously, that'd be crazy.  The big news from yesterday though was that transfer news came out.  It's a really weird situation, since we're 2 weeks into this transfer already, so it'll only be 4 weeks long.  But Elder Rigtrup and I are staying together here in Gijón for now.  Surprise surprise!  There will actually be another mini transfer next week with some other missionaries that will be coming in, but we'll see if that affects us at all.  Not a lot of changes up here in our zone.  3 leaving us and 2 coming in.  Lots of changes in the rest of the misison though. Only 4 went home and 12 came in with 5 more coming in next week.  So that's fun.  

Thanks for everything just like always.  It's always nice to know that even if I have hard times that I'm so supported from back home that it's impossible to lose faith.  Ya'lls is the best. I even got a couple of letters to Gijón this past week, crazy!  I love you all. I love this gospel. I love sharing it.  There's always a way back to our Heavenly Father.  If there's something that needs to be changed or fixed, it can be changed or fixed.  I can only imagine what this life would be like without that hope.  Welp, no pictures this week either, so you'll have to forgive me.  Until next Wednesday.

Como jefe,
Elder Jeppson

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