Saturday, June 16, 2012

Paint the night NEON

Good 'ay mates. 

Here we are again.  Another Wednesday, another computer screen, another email.  The last week has seemed pretty dang normal.  Which is good I think.  I guess I'll share some parts of it with you.  

Zoila is legit.  She is way ready to get baptized.  Well, she will be by the 30th at least.  We taught her the word of wisdom this past week and she was like I can't drink coffee?! Buah! I guess I'll have to go back to my Colacao (it's like hot chocolate) then! Stuff like that just shows that she is doing her part and completely willing to change her life for the Lord.  Crazy the blessings that come once we just open up and let Him in completely.  

Hmm, another person that we taught this last week is named Kati.  She has been in and out of lessons with an investigator for the last month or two, but this time we taught her and focused on her.  Come to find out she is going through a divorce right now and that seems to be pretty rough.  Luckily (I suppose) I was able to tell her that my family is divorced as well and we're still all happy and that there really is hope.  It's super sad though cause she totally doesn't want to get divorced, but he is insistent.  They have 3 kids together.  Gotta be pretty rough for her these days.  But we taught about how the gospel offers us a fresh start and Jesus Christ wants to forgive us and help us overcome hard situations.  

I'm pretty drained on energy right now so I'm sorry if this jumpy and short.  

Monday morning we had a Zone Leader council.  Since President Jackson is coming in hot we decided to do it in a more personal way and we spent 1 hour - 1 hour and 15 minutes talking to each set of zone leaders.  Just talking about problems and successes and goals and whatnot about the zone so we can help President Jackson get right up to date on everything.  It took a good 6-7 hours though.  Made for a pretty fast/long Monday.  But we learned a lot about the missionaries and whatnot.  There are a lot of really good missionaries coming up in the mission.  Some good ones going home too, but I see a lot of hope and promise for the future here in the Madrid mission.  Lots of really good young guys that are gonna tear this mission up. I'm excited.  

So that's basically all I have for this week I suppose.  Been a really fast week. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting and that's just gonna have to be okay I suppose.  I am grateful for this opportunity I have to throw on a name tag every morning and teach about the gospel.  It's legit.  As of today I have 5 more months of it too. We'll see if I can come up with some good stories and finish strong.  Thanks for all your support and help and prayers and whatnot.  You're the best.  

Elder Tanton Jeppson

P.S. No pictures. Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. I am Elder Bauer's father (the elder who replaced Elder Jeppson as secretary). I have enjoyed reading the other side of the office stories (my son's stories are found for the appropriate dates on his blog I have also enjoyed seeing pictures of my son that I didn't see before. I have other pictures of Elder Jeppson, if you send me an e-mail, I would be glad to send them to you. My e-mail is on my profile on the blog listed above.
