Long live!
Today is also the anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. Might be a good idea to read his history or something today. I dunno. I just know I am extremely grateful for all he went through and supported so that I could have the true church in my life 175 years later.
Moving right along. It's been a pretty fast/blurry week. The calm before the storm is still what I'm calling it. Haha I'm sure that the president change won't actually change that much at all, but it's fun to get hyped up about it and make it a big deal. On Monday we had our last meeting with President Watkins. This Friday is when President Jackson will get here. It's crazy how fast it has come. I remember a whole year ago when I was in the Canary Islands doing contacts with President Watkins. Then going to the office and getting to know them so well, sleeping at their house on Christmas and whatnot. Now I'm back and they're leaving. I've learned a lot from the Watkins. Probably more than they'll ever realize. Today is P-day of week 5 of the transfer, which means we all went to the temple. It was cool to see all the missionaries in the Celestial Room and we all got to say bye to President Watkins. And that's that.
Elder Rigby, Elder Jeppson & President Watkins |
President Watkins & Elder Jeppson |
Elder Rigby, President Watkins & Elder Jeppson |
President Watkins, Elder Jeppson and Hermana Watkins |
On to the missionary work instead of just my abstract thoughts. It has been one of the best weeks of my mission in regards to the work. We achieved the 20 lessons and 105 contacts goals of the mission. It was a lot of hard work running around planning lessons and still finding time to talk to people in the street, but it was a good way keep us focused and working our hardest. Zoila is all set to go on her fecha for the 7th of July. It'll be the last weekend for Elder Rigby so it'll be cool for him to go out on a baptism. She's really good. She'll have her interview this weekend and then next week we'll get the service all set to go and life will be good.
We also set a baptismal date with Katy. Pronounced like Catty. Or having to do with a cat. Gatos. Buah. But she is way good. I've talked about her before. she's the one going through hard times that is a friend of a recent convert. It's crazy to see how much it can change somebody's life just to say "Hey, you're already here whenever we share messages with María, would you like us to start visiting you too so you can see what we're all about?" And now she's happier than I've ever seen her and understanding the purpose of this life and the importance of following Christ. Might just be a simple little invitation, but it can still change lives. That's the magic of this gospel. Right there.

Well, that's about all I'm gonna talk about for this week. Happy birthday to Abby and then Krista this coming week. I'm pretty sure I'll actually write on Krista's birthday, but I'm sure I'll forget to say something. So here it is: FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS (a las dos). Hope it's a great week for everybody. Hopefully I'll have good things to say next week.
Love you all. Keep it real back in Zion. Disfrutad un poco del verano, eh? Sorry the pictures are a little monotonous. Can you use monotonous as a term talking about pictures? Is it even spelled monotonous? Sorry they're a little repetetive anyways. or is it repetitive? *sigh* Just have a great week.
Elder Tanton Jeppson
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