Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sin sol es imposible la mañana


It has been another week of my life and another week of the mission.  It has gone well.  

It's fun to be back in the same area where I started. It has helped me get to know the area really fast.  It's fun to be walking along and see all the places where I had all those experiences from clear back at the start.  I've even come across some people that I met back then.  We've been teaching a family that got baptized when I was here last time but is now inactive unfortunately.  Tryin' to get that spark to light the fire again. They're going through some real hard economical stuff though.  Makes it harder when the dad is working on Sundays.  But still fun to see Marcos and Kati again!

We also have met with a lot of new people.  Found a bunch of new investigators.  Now we just gotta teach them and do all we can to help them progress.  It's nice being able to find people that want to listen here so fast.  A lot different than it was up there in the north of Spain.  Good and bad.  The work here is a lot more of filtering through people and finding the ones that are truly prepared and ready for the gospel instead of people that are just not quite there yet we'll say.  All we can do is teach them and help them to help themselves learn for themselves.  Yup.

We set a baptismal date with a lady named María Zoila this past week too.  We invited her to get baptized the 30th of June.  She seems pretty excited.  She is the sister of a lady that got baptized about a month ago.  I guess she has been listening a bit too to the lessons, but was more hard hearted and didn't want as much.  But now she has been going to church and seeing her sister and decided she would like to prepare as well, so I'm sure it'll be a good month of June for her.  It truly is a blessing to be able to see so much progress in people and help them learn of Jesus Christ and achieve more of their potential.  

Church was pretty fun on Sunday.  Got to see a lot of members that remembered me.  Lots that didn't too.  Haha We're all just missionaries to the members in big wards.  That's one of the benefits of working in a smaller branch is you get to truly know the members and branch and help them out.  The good thing about a ward is you have tons of people that can help you and you can work with lots of investigators and get more references from the members.  I guess there's always a good and a bad to everything, eh?  

That's a pretty quick little overview of my week.  Glad to hear all is well back home.  Looks like there have been some people gaining more years and others losing more teeth, so life continues on.  Thanks for all your emails and words of encouragement and advice.  Ya'lls be good peoples.  I really do appreciate all the love and support from back home that I have. The mission is a crazy ride that I wouldn't trade for anything else during these two years.  Even an amazing wife and fun college times.  So many things that I have learned during these 18 months in the crazy country of Spain. I understand why people love the country that they serve in so much.  It's impossible to have so many experiences and meet so many people and have your testimony strengthened and not have a love grow for the mission as well.  I can't even remember all the bus rides, flights, train rides, lessons, meetings, contacts, and who knows what else that have all added bit by bit to who I am now and what I have learned.  I am extremely grateful for all I have learned up til now. Excited for the last 6 months and to see what good I can leave here in the field.  Start fast, finish strong, eh?

Oh, today we went go karting again as well.  I got beat by lame élder Hoskins though. Scoundrel! He also rides bullet bikes and whatnot.  I had a great time.  Just so you know it's been a great p-day as well and so you don't get really confused by the pictures!  

Os quiero

Elder Jeppson

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