Hola familia! ¿Cómo estáis?
Tanton in front of the Madrid Temple |
It sounds to me like all is well back in Utah. No nuclear reactors melting down and lots of snow. How lucky is Utah? Things are going well here in Vigo. Just trucking along. The weather has been amazing here. We´re already down to going without suitcoats haha. My companion is NOT a fan of wearing suit coats, and I´m supposed to match him, so that´s what we do these days. I think suits look way more legit, but whatevs. So this past week has not been anything too extraordinary story wise. Jesús is all on track to get baptized still. His baptism is this Friday at 9:00 at night. So that´s interesting. Friday will be a busy day what with Zone Conference duriing almost the whole day and then we will come back have a couple of hours to work/teach and then it´s the baptism and then we have to hurry home to be in bed on time hahaha. I really like busy days though. So I guess it was St. Patricks day this past week, eh? I honestly completely forgot about it until about 7:00 at night we walked past a pub that had green balloons outside. Even then I didn´t think anything of it until my companion tried to say St. Patrick´s day in English haha. I love when he tries to speak English. It´s always fun to decipher his super super super spanish accent. We read from the Missionary handbook everyday in English now to try and help him learn a bit of English. That´s been fun. Atilio did not let us back in to learn more unfortunately, so I do not have a lot to tell you about him. A lot of you did ask about him though. We did teach Antony and Margarita this week though, they are from Peru and seem to have at least a little bit of potential. Everybody from South America has more potential than Spaniards though. Those blasted cold-hearted Spaniards! Another investigator that is coming along is Silvia. She has desires to find a church and all, but is afraid to commit to a date for baptism until she receives an answer that the church is true. She came to church on Sunday and was hoping to receive her answer there, which makes sense to me, but said that she couldn´t because the branch was being too talkative during the most sacred part, the Sacrament. Silvia took this very seriously, like she didn´t even want to partake because she didn´t feel worthy, and then all the adults were like talking and stuff, so that wasn´t too great. She said she understands the kids (thankfully) but the adults were disrespectful. She is going to keep learning more and moving forward and whatnot, but she wasn´t impressed with that. So that was hard. We talked to the leaders of the branch about that and hopefully that will improve for this coming week. Ugh! Hey, was the 19th fathers day in the US? Well it was here. So happy Father´s day Dad & Brad! I love you both. You´re great. I don´t know if it was back home though. I feel like it´s in April? I dunno. I should have paid more attention to stuff like that I guess haha. Last week, as in Sunday to Sunday, was the first time that I have achieved Equilibrio for reals on the mission (I´m pretty sure we technically achieved it every week with the Ayudantes). It means that you teach 20 lessons, have a baptismal date, and contact at least 15 people each day of the week. The 20 lessons is really the hard part. But we did it! Just barely. 20 exactly. It´s so crazy to read Elder El-Bakri´s letters and letters from Central/South America where they teach like 30 lessons every day. It seems so strange to me. On Sunday Ana Belen fed us again haha but his time all 4 of us missionaries here in Vigo. Her food is always...good. haha It´s always nice to not have to cook. I have much to learn in the cooking industry. Monday I went on exchanges with Elder Soliz, our district leader. It was great. We went in his area, which means we went to the beach! Not really, because we aren´t allowed to, but we sure went as close as is possible, then we just walked along a little trail that follows the ocean and contacted everybody haha. It wasn´t the most effective place to contact, but I wasn´t gonna complain I could see the big beautiful ocean. It was really nice to go on exchanges with him. He is a native and speaks even less english than Elder Quevedo. I took advantage of this. Elder Soliz is more help with the language. Elder Quevedo is less patient with my weaknesses there so I don´t dare ask as many questions. But such is life, eh? That´s pretty much a quick recap of what has been up in the life of your favorite Elder Jeppson.
So I have a crock pot. So if that helps with recipes at all...
Thanks mom for the hockey news!
Greg, thanks for the world news update.
Thanks for the package in advance. I am super excited for Zone Conference this week!
and I need email addresses from all my brothers except greg and caden.
Love you all! Thanks for your love and Support.
Elder Jeppson.
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