Hello all. The time only gets faster and faster it seems.
Things have been well here. I got feeling better, although I still have a blasted head cold. Which just consists of lots of nose blowing, coughing, and my world sounds like it´s under water right now. Don´t worry though, I´m not worried about it. I´m way too trained in being sick to let this stop me. Although yesterday my companion got sick hahaha. So that's how it´s been lately. The best thing from this past week was definitely that we took Carlos Velazquez, a member that recently (in may) got back from his mission in Málaga, to our lesson with Patricia. He was legit. We found out some things that have been concerning her and why she hasn´t ever come to church (like she thought no mormons could go to the beach or the discoteca) and so hopefully she will be able to make it this week. I just wish she would let us meet with her more than once a week. Ugh. Speaking of this week, before I forget it´s transfers. Which means that on Friday night or Saturday morning I´ll find out where I´ll be for the next 6 weeks and who I´ll be with 24 hours a day. Elder White and I have 3 together already and he has 4 in the area, so we´re thinking there´s definitely a chance of things getting switched up, but you never know with President Watkins. Elder Albretsen and Elder Spears had 6 transfers together in Salamanca so... guess we´ll see! Feel free to still send letters, even if I get moved I´m sure they´ll all get forwarded to me just like what happened after I shipped out of Vigo (and Barrio 1). So no fear. Life will continue on. It always seems to. Sorry about that running off track there. Back to the game. Gladys came to church again, but only to Relief Society (it´s like the opposite of Utah hahaha) but she keeps moving at her slow pace. Learning poco a poco. The branch here is pretty good still, but attendance has been down lately. Everybody in this blasted country takes like month long vacations during July and August. It´s definitely made it hard to find new people and some members have just shipped out to London for a month, no big deal. We don´t speak English, but let´s go hang out with the brits. So there are some families that are outtie right now and there´s a LOT of tourists here in paradise these days. It´s great fun hearing all the English people speaking with their tea and crumpets accents. Haha or German, but that´s not as funny to me, they just sound angry. Archa archa argle let´s fight! Yup. Such is life. So here in the Reef things have just been chugging along. The work has been slow, and we´ve been a bit sickly. Not a great combo, but as long as we keep pressing forward like saints, with a steadfast faith in Christ, we´ll be good. We´re just instruments in the Lord´s hands.

Today for P-day we finally made it up to Jameos de Agua. We have been trying to get up there in the North end for a while, but since it´s a good chance it could be one or both of our last p-days here in the islands we asked some members to llevarnos up there and it was good fun. Check it out. Good times. Google it to learn more of what it was we saw. I´m sorry. I´m short on time though. I love you all! Thank you for all your support, letters, and especially prayers. I love being part of a such a great family. Ya´lls iz da bestz! (but you´s the dumb! ahjeahjeahjeah)
Elder Jeppson
P.S. Anybody that can get me Keaton´s address before next p-day would be fantastic. Punk has an upcoming day of birth. AND I haven´t heard a word from him in 9 months!
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