Friday, May 4, 2012

Sin nadie que me detenga

Buenos días!
I am currently listening to a semi-upset lady yell threw Skype, so I guess that's a fun situation you can all know about right now.  I'm learning lots of bad words in Spanish. Buah. Who am I kidding, I've already learned them unfortunately...
The work continues here in the north coast of Spain.  Crazy that one year ago I was clear down off the coast of Africa, and now I'm clear up here trying to see France off in the distance.  We went up to a different lookout point today and took some cool pictures and saw some more cool coastline of Spain.  Back to the work though...
We're back to the searching game.  The challenge of finding is the never ending game played by missionaries.  It's like playing a game of Sorry.  You finally find somebody and get out of home, see how far you make it until something either bumps you back to home or you make it all the way around and win (baptism).  It's got a little bit bigger consequences though so that's the good news.  We've been really trying to teach the Atonement lately.  Preach my Gospel teaches us that as we understand better the Atonement, we'll have more desires to share the gospel and we'll be able to teach in a more efficient way.  So that seems like a good goal to me: understand and be more grateful for the Atonement.  I have really enjoyed teaching many people about the Atonement. 
Élida is all set to go on her baptism.  She passed her interview on Saturday and is stoked on her fecha for the cince de mayo, so it'll be a party.  This past week I asked her dad if he can see a difference in her and he said that she has completely changed since she started listening to us again.  It is the miracle of forgiveness. The miracle of the gospel.  I would hands down say the best part of being a missionary is being able to see the changes in people.  Seeing them go from their difficulties to overcoming them, gaining faith in the Gospel and ending up being way happier.  It's not easy.  But it's worth it. The best two years does not mean the best/easiest 730 days. 
Luis and Zoraida and their family are still doing amazing. On Sunday, Luis received the Priesthood.  It was a very spiritual experience.  Knowing that he is preparing to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood now is just so amazing to me!  It's such a blessing! Speaking of which, on Sunday I had the opportunity to give a couple of blessings.  One of the counselors in the Branch Presidency asked us if we could give him one so we did. He asked me to.  Giving blessings is something that never ceases to amaze me, feeling the Spirit so much and having phrases and such come to your mind is a very humbling experience. I won't go too in depth obviously, but I am definitely grateful to be a Priesthood holder. 
Also on Sunday a gringo family came to church! A return missionary came back with her family and visited.  It's always fun to translate (I have no idea why the daughter didn't do it...) and talk to good ol' American families again.  Good times.
It's basically been a week without a lot to say.  Just keepin' the work going up here.  Talking to people, teaching some people, and learning a lot.  I can't believe Mother's day is already here again.  Feels like yesterday that Christmas was just around the corner and I got to talk to ya'lls  then.  Crazy crazy how the time goes.  Makes me want to just finish it all strong. 
Welp, I'm outtie already I suppose.  Thanks for everything.  You're the greatest.  Love you all.
-Elder Tanton

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